How We Place A Child’s Filling

Children are very susceptible to dental cavities, and these could cause discomfort and lead to poor oral health. To treat a cavity, we often place a safe and metal-free dental filling in one visit. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about when we prescribe a filling, and how we place one.
Start 2022 With Healthy Smiles

We want to ensure your kids enjoy better oral health throughout 2022, which is why we suggest starting the year off with a checkup and cleaning visit. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist wants to make sure your children avoid issues like tooth decay, and continue to smile with confidence.
Protect Your Kid’s Smile With Sealants
As a parent, you understand the importance of protecting your little one’s teeth. This is why you make sure they brush their teeth twice a day and gently floss each night. It is also why you bring them in every six months for a checkup and cleaning. Another tool in your arsenal, that not everyone is aware of, is a dental sealant. If this is a new term to you, do not worry, because in today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist discusses what they are and the fantastic benefits they offer. (more…)
What To Do When You Kid Has A Dental Emergency
A dental emergency can happen to anyone, but the playful exuberance of kids, not to mention their self-perceived invulnerability, leads to them injuring their mouths more frequently than adults. Unfortunately, not all incidents occur while the dentist’s office is open, so it is important to know what to do in a variety of these situations. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about what to do when a dental emergency befalls your child. (more…)
We Offer A Comfortable Experience For Kids

We know that sometimes kids may feel a little nervous about visiting the dentist. We understand, and want to make sure this isn’t the case when they visit our team! In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how we make kids feel comfortable, and the dental sedation options we provide.
Does A Child Ever Need An Extraction?

A tooth extraction means we gently and carefully remove a tooth from a child’s smile. When an issue arises that cannot be addressed with a dental crown or filling, then taking out a tooth could protect the smile from serious complications. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about when we prescribed them, and how we perform this procedure.
Treating Infected Teeth In Children’s Smiles

An infected tooth means major discomfort for your children, and also the risk of losing a tooth prematurely, which impacts the alignment of the smile. To prevent these complications, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist explains how we treat infection with a conservative root canal treatment known as a pulpotomy.
What To Expect From Your Child’s Crown Placement

When your child has issues with chewing or a tooth that is severely decayed or damaged, then we may recommend placing a dental crown. These restorations provide quality repair and could last for years to come. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how we place dental crowns for little smiles.
Placing Safe Fillings For Kids

When we see a child with a cavity, we offer a safe and biocompatible treatment with metal-free dental fillings. We offer an option that looks natural and blends with the smile seamlessly. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how we prepare and place these fillings to treat tooth decay in little smiles.
Should Your Child Receive Dental Sealants?

Have you ever heard of dental sealants? These are a unique preventive treatment our team employs to help lower the risk of tooth decay in little smiles. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about when a child’s smile may benefit from them, and how we place them!