A Treatment For Your Child’s Toothache
Seeing your child in pain can break your heart! If your little one complains of a toothache, call your dentist right away. We can take an X-ray of the problem tooth to determine if the pain is a sign of a dangerous infection. Without treatment, bacterial deposits can break away from your child’s inner tooth chamber and spread throughout their bloodstream. By performing endodontic therapy, we can access the chamber, clear all decaying material, and restore their smile. Because this procedure permanently alters the surface of their tooth, we may place a crown to restore the strength of their bite as well. A pulpotomy provides an alternative to root canal treatment that leaves the healthy portion of the pulp in tact. By cleaning out all infected material, your child’s inflammatory response subsides, lessening pressure on sensitive dental nerves.
At your Dallas, TX, pediatric dental office, we are standing by to help your little one in their time of need. Tooth infections should be seen right away to prevent bacteria from entering their bloodstream. By making an emergency visit, we can determine the nature of their pain and help get it under control.
Let Your Child’s Smile Shine!
We all want our little ones to have dazzling, healthy smiles, and regular dental cleanings are a fantastic way to achieve just that. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist discusses some simple ways to let your child’s smile shine!
Protecting Kids From Halloween Cavities

In less than two weeks your kids will be hitting the streets to trick or treat, picking up tons of sugary and sticky candies that could increase the risk of painful tooth decay. Our team wants them to enjoy this spooky holiday, but we also want to make sure they’re teeth are being protected! In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about safeguarding little smiles against Halloween cavities. With the right steps, your kids can have fun and enjoy sweets in moderation, so they remain free of tooth decay in the weeks and months to come.
How We Help Little Smiles With Dental Lasers

We offer advanced technology to diagnose and treat smiles for kids of all ages. For example, we use comfortable digital x-rays to make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. But we also use advanced treatments like dental lasers to provide an alternative to scalpels and sutures. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about laser dentistry.
Dental Restorations To Help Your Child’s Smile

When a child cracks or chips a tooth, or suffers toothaches due to tooth decay and infection, then a restoration could be necessary. Repairing the teeth could prevent discomfort and the risk of premature tooth loss! In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about our durable dental restorations.
We Offer Children’s Sedation!
Our team understands that sometimes kids have anxiety about seeing the dentist, and that they also may need to undergo more involved treatments to handle concerns like dental infection. Which is why we offer calming options for them. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about children’s sedation!