Dental Care For Small Children
As soon as a tooth erupts, it requires care and treatment to prevent cavities. Which means kids need dental care starting as early as age one! In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how to provide proper care for small children, and how to avoid the onset of baby bottle tooth decay.
Keeping Kids At Ease During Cavity Care
For patients at any age, the need for cavity treatment can be a cause of stress. With that said, you can be understandably worried about how your child might respond when they need treatment for dental decay! The good news is that with the right support, even restorative dental work can be easier for kids to undergo. Our Dallas, TX pediatric dentist’s office can make these services more comfortable for our young patients in several ways. In addition to creating a sense of comfort during regular appointments, we can offer dental sedation when appropriate to resolve tension and make care easier to undergo. (more…)
How We Examine Your Child’s Smile
We want to see your child for a visit every six months. These checkups help us monitor smiles and allow your children to maintain good oral health. But why do kids need an exam, and what does this process involve? In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about our dental exams for children.
Making Sure Your Child Brushes And Flosses
Daily care helps kids of all ages, from babies and toddlers all the up to your tweens and teens! Which is why knowing how to properly brush and floss is so beneficial. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how to make sure your child is properly brushing and flossing their teeth each and every day.
How Dental Checkups Help Kids
Kids need to have their teeth examined at least once every six months starting at around age two, and this is crucial for helping them enjoy better oral health. In the same visit, we also clean the teeth too. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist will discuss how a simple checkup is so beneficial for a little smile.
Protecting Kids From Toothaches
Toothaches can be tough for little kids, and also mean the presence of decay that could threaten a child’s smile. Which is why, when possible, we want to help kids avoid them, and also aid in the prevention of tooth decay. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how to avoid the onset of toothaches.
Dental Sealants Help Control Cavity Risk
Children often have limited dexterity as they learn to brush and floss, which can impact their ability to reach the rear teeth and clean their teeth. For many, this is a recipe for tooth decay. To help prevent food particles from being trapped in the back of the mouth, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist could offer dental sealants!
Schedule A Spring Time Visit For Your Kids
Spring is here and the weather is finally starting to warm up. In addition to spring cleaning the house, why not take time to spring clean your family’s smiles too? Your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist can use a checkup and cleaning to help improve oral health and brighten little smiles, so their teeth stay strong and beautiful!
Preparing Your Child For Their First Visit
When your little one sees the dentist for the first time, there can be a little anxiety. Often cartoons and other children’s shows treat the dentist like someone to be scared of! But don’t worry, we know how to help your kids feel relaxed and comfortable, and in today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about preparing your kids for their first visit!
Caring For Little Smiles At Home
We want to see your kids for checkups and cleanings every six months, so we can help them maintain good oral health. But in between those visits, it’s up to you and your kids to protect their oral health. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how to care for little smiles at home.