Quality Restoration With Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a substantial and durable restoration that can address a number of restorative issues with a tooth. Which is why we often use them to help children enjoy healthier and stronger smiles. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how our dental crown offers a quality restoration.
A Lifelike Solution For Cavities

When children have an aching tooth, this could mean the presence of tooth decay. To bring relief and prevent an infection, our team can place a metal-free dental filling. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how our team can treat a cavity in only one visit.
Applying Your Child’s Dental Sealants

We offer a number of treatments to help protect little smiles and ensure good oral health throughout your little one’s childhood. To help keep cavities at bay, we can place a special layer of material that fights tooth decay for years to come. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about dental sealants.
Cleanings For Little Smiles

We recently talked about a dental checkup and why kids need to have one. But what about the cleaning portion? A dental cleaning will help fight everything from bad breath and teeth stains to tooth decay and even gingivitis. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about why smiles need to be cleaned.
Keeping Little Smiles Healthy During Halloween

Halloween is around the corner! We want to make sure your children can enjoy the spooky season without leaving their smiles vulnerable to tooth decay. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about fighting cavities and still enjoying a night of trick or treating!
Why Kids Need a Checkup Every Six Months

Children need to have their teeth examined and cleaned every six months in order to avoid common issues like tooth decay. The first visits should start at around age one, and regular ones need to take place every six months at age two. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about why kids need a checkup!
Helping Your Kids Brush And Floss

Children need to see us every six months for a checkup and cleaning, but in between these visits good oral hygiene at home is absolutely crucial. Which is why we want to help with a few tips on proper brushing and flossing! In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about helping kids brush and floss.
Family-Friendly Neighborhood Events
We love our neighborhood here in Casa Linda. And now is a fantastic time to be right next to beautiful White Rock Lake! This summer was brutal, and now that things are finally starting to cool off (fingers crossed), people are starting to be outside more. That means more things going on for you and your little ones.
And there certainly are some fun things happening! Today, your Dallas, TX dentist lets you know about some events in the area for the weekend. Things are really getting into a spooky mood, since we’re really getting close to Halloween now! (more…)
Preparing Your Child For Emergency Visits

Emergency dentistry means treatment for damaged teeth, treatment that is offered even outside of normal business hours. But between calling our office and showing up with your child, steps can be taken to safeguard the smile. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about emergency dentistry.
Treating Little Smiles With Solea Laser

Our team not only uses advanced technology as part of the diagnostic process, but we can also employ dental lasers too. Using these advanced systems, we can treat a variety of soft tissue oral health issues. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist wants to help treat little smiles with advanced dental lasers.