Got Questions? Ask Your Pediatric Dentist: Part One

Do you ever wonder when your baby’s teeth will begin appearing? Or how often your school-aged children actually need to visit the dentist? Many parents have questions, when it comes to their children’s dental care, yet they are either too embarrassed or too busy to ask them. It’s important to remember, though, that your kids’ pediatric dentist is there to support your whole family, in your efforts to help keep your smiles healthy. So if you do have questions about dental health, don’t be afraid to go straight to your family’s dentist for the answers you need along with the preventive advice you want. (more…)

Do Your Kids Need Help Avoiding Cavities?

Adults in America are not the only ones suffering from dental decay in shockingly high numbers. Recent studies indicate that at least 30 percent of school-aged children in America are also being diagnosed with dental caries, or cavities as they are more commonly known. Though tooth fillings can often help treat cavities, it is best to avoid them altogether. Cavities are entirely preventable, too. It just requires a combination of at-home care and professional dental visits to help avoid them. For kids, parents play a huge role in ensuring they continue enjoying oral health. So, are you doing all you can, as a parent, to protect your kids from cavities? (more…)

What Is Silver Diamine Fluoride and Can It Help My Kids?

Have you spent way too much time at the dentist’s office, having your kids’ cavities filled? If so, you may already have taken steps to better protect their smiles, such as making sure they are brushing properly at least twice a day, and flossing between each tooth. You might also have cut down on sugar, as a family, to prevent plaque buildup. Making sure to take them for routine dental checkups and cleaning is another great measure. Fortunately, there is one other way your kids’ pediatric dentist might be able to help your kids avoid – or treat – any future cavities, and that’s through the use of Silver Diamine Fluoride, a substance that can both potentially prevent cavities, and also help to treat them. (more…)

When Will My Baby’s Teeth Start Showing Up?

Are you curious, or even worried, about your baby’s smile? Does it seem like she or he should have several teeth visible by now? At your baby’s last play date, were you shocked to find the other child seemingly miles ahead in the smile milestones department? Many parents worry about when their babies’ teeth should appear, and what they should be doing to care for them. The good news is, when you are ready to find out how much you actually know about babies’ smiles, and how you can best prepare for your child’s teething, your pediatric dentist can help! (more…)

Can You Help Your Kids Prevent Cavities? Part One

Are you worried about your kids’ smiles? Many school-aged children struggle with cavities, which can require dental fillings or more extensive restorative treatment. Fortunately, there are several surprisingly simple steps you can take to help protect your kids’ smiles from tooth decay and other common oral health problems. That way, you can keep enjoying those silly smiles for years to come! (more…)

Worried About Your Baby’s Pacifier Habit?

Do you spend a lot of time worrying about your baby’s undying love for his pacifier? Does he go to sleep with it, cry for it when he wakes up, and freak out if it’s dropped for even a second? Maybe your child sucks his or her thumb religiously, instead, much to your chagrin. The good news is that, in most cases, the use of pacifiers or thumb sucking is not a cause for alarm. Many babies self soothe through these means, without any detrimental affects to their dental or overall health. That said, when it comes to your baby’s precious smile, any questions or concerns you have are best posed to your children’s dentist, who is the best ally you have in helping to protect your child’s teeth and gums, long-term. (more…)

When Will My Baby’s Teeth Begin Coming In? Part Two

Watching your baby experience discomfort can be incredibly troubling, as a parent. Fortunately, when it comes to teething pain, there are several simple steps you can take, to help keep your child more comfortable as he or she teethes. According to both pediatricians and dentists alike, some of the safest ways to soothe your child through teething discomfort, happen to be simple yet effective. (more…)

Can You Do More To Protect Your Baby’s Teeth?

Do you ever wonder if your baby really needs any dental care? After all, his or her smile is likely only gums at this point. How could invisible teeth need protecting? The truth is even babies are susceptible to oral health problems, including baby bottle tooth decay. To prevent this, you should consider gently wiping your baby’s gums clean after feedings, to help prevent decay. But there is more that should be done, too, in order to help keep your child’s smile healthy, and your pediatric dentist can help! (more…)

Worried About Your Child’s Pacifier Habit?

Like many kids, do your children soothe themselves by sucking on their thumbs, fingers, or pacifiers? In fact, do they refuse to take a nap without a pacifier, or throw tantrums in the car if they get caught without their beloved pacifiers, even for a second? Unfortunately, prolonged thumb-sucking or pacifier use can potentially create problems for children’s oral health. So, if your child is growing more and more dependent on a pacifier, or if you notice your child sucking on his or her thumb more and more frequently, now is a great time to talk to your pediatric dentist about how this could potentially lead to problems, and whether it might be best to start weaning him or her from this self-soothing habit. (more…)

Encourage Good Dental Habits At Home

As a parent, there is a lot you must do to help ensure your kids grow up happy and healthy. Unfortunately, caring for the teeth and gums can sometimes seem at the bottom of that priority list. Over time, lax hygiene and poor dietary choices, plus skipping out on routine preventive dental visits, can lead to a great deal of dental problems. So, make sure you are encouraging good dental habits, at home, by exhibiting great oral care habits, yourself, and by making dental care a family priority! (more…)