When Will My Baby’s Teeth Begin Coming In? Part Two

Watching your baby experience discomfort can be incredibly troubling, as a parent. Fortunately, when it comes to teething pain, there are several simple steps you can take, to help keep your child more comfortable as he or she teethes. According to both pediatricians and dentists alike, some of the safest ways to soothe your child through teething discomfort, happen to be simple yet effective.

How Can You Help Your Child During Teething?

Many children will be fussy, have trouble sleeping, and possibly even seem uninterested in eating, while they are teething. You might also notice above average drooling or a general sense of irritability. To help keep your child as comfortable as possible, there are a few techniques you can try:

  • For some children, rubbing the gums with a clean finger or even a chilled spoon can be soothing. A clean, moist pad (such as gauze) can also bring some relief.
  • Your pediatric dentist might also recommend a pacifier or a teething ring, to help offer your baby comfort during the often painful teething process.
  • It’s best not to resort to any medications without guidance from your child’s dentist or medical doctor.

Other Important Reminders When It Comes to Babies’ Smiles

Keeping the gums clean is a good idea for all babies, even before their teeth begin erupting. You can do this by wiping the gums clean, after feedings, with a clean, damp cloth. Once the first tooth erupts, you should begin brushing with just water. Over time, adding a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste can be beneficial, as well.

Of course, it is also important to watch for symptoms of issues that might require medical attention, during teething and in general. For instance, if your child is suffering from fever, diarrhea or a rash, these should not be overlooked, or dismissed as a normal part of teething. If your baby is exhibiting these symptoms, it is time to talk to their pediatrician.

filed under: Children's Dental Services, Tips/Advice