3 Ways to Be Kind to Your Teeth

Who doesn’t want to add more kindhearted moments to their life? It may mean taking a breath and thinking before your speak, or letting the other person go first in line. There are lots of opportunities to be kind at home—even extending to seemingly small things like how you care for your teeth. Share these pointers to your young ones, and help them practice kind techniques as well. The smiles in your whole family will benefit from this thoughtful care. (more…)

Don’t Overlook The Reason Your Child Loathes Flossing

You might think that your child simply cannot stand flossing as a general rule. However, you might be overlooking some little details that can turn your child into someone who is more than happy to floss every day. So, toss out the notion that this whole flossing during dental hygiene thing is going to turn into a lifelong struggle and, instead, come to us for advice. For the time being, get started with some details that may truly help.


Toothpaste Time: Let’s Answer Those Questions!

As you may have noticed, it seems that there are new products for just about every facet of life that show up every single day. As a result, when you find yourself attempting to make a quick decision at the store, what should be an easy experience suddenly turns into a complicated and mind-boggling one. Have you dealt with this as you tried to select toothpaste for your child’s dental care? If so, don’t worry, it’s a common challenge! Fortunately, we can help by answering your questions.


Dental Hygiene: Remember These Important Teaching Tips

Some days you love it, some days you don’t like it, but every day you live it: You are the one teaching your child optimal brushing skills! Since providing your children with the best approach possible to dental hygiene is in your hands, you just might appreciate our suggestions to help you feel like your strategy as a teacher is going to pay off. Keep a few tips in mind and you’ll find that getting those oral health habits to work (and to stick) is absolutely possible.


Best Practices For Your Kid’s Toothbrush

As you help your little ones learn how to brush properly (and you do your best to keep a smile on everyone’s faces during the process), you put a lot of energy into the brushing itself. As a result, you may overlook the fact that successful dental hygiene relies on the way you care for your oral health products, too. While we certainly offer you our admiration and applause for the time and effort you are already putting into your kiddo’s smile, we have some tips for you to consider for an even more successful experience.


Smile Care Before Bed: 3 Things To Remember

Ah, yes. That luxurious (and sometimes challenging) period of time we know as “getting ready for bed.” Everyone put their pajamas on and it’s time to head into the bathroom, brush teeth, and then get cozy in bed for the night. If you’re getting through this experience with smiling faces and a ton of cooperation, we are so happy to hear it! We would also like to make some suggestions for things to remember as they relate to these sessions. They will ensure that all of your hard work actually pays off for your children’s oral health.


3 Ways To Add Music To Kids’ Dental Hygiene Time

Just like you can go from a sour mood to a very happy one by turning on your favorite tunes, so too can your children begin smiling when they hear music that makes them happy. With this in mind, we encourage you to remember that adding music into your little ones’ dental hygiene time is often extremely advantageous. Not sure about the different options you have for doing so? We are happy to help!


Why Teaching Kids Hygiene Is Important

How often do you brush your teeth? If you answered at least twice a day (and we hope you did), then you are on the right track. However, do you know why brushing and flossing is integral to maintaining healthy teeth? Understanding the importance of a good dental hygiene routine is an important aspect of teaching children how to adhere to it. The reason why teaching kids good hygiene is important is because they’ll carry the lessons with them for life, improving their chances of enjoying beautiful, healthy smiles for life. (more…)

What Snacks Are Best for Your Kids’ Smiles?

Want to help your kids stay healthy this year? If so, you may have already taken several steps to better protect their bodies and their smiles. Good dental hygiene is essential for oral health, of course. Yet if your kids are regularly consuming too much sugar, they are still likely to struggle with dental decay. Fortunately, you can help your kids develop healthy habits, and protect those precious pearly whites by giving them healthy foods for meals and snacks. Best of all, many are delicious and both kid and pediatric dentist-approved! (more…)

Can I Help My Kids Prevent Cavities?

As a parent, it’s your job to help protect your kids, and to teach them the skills they’ll need to grow up healthy, and hopefully happy, as well. That said, some parts of your job are likely a lot easier than others. What kid doesn’t love going to the park for some exercise, or being read a favorite book at night, for instance? On the other hand, many kids will argue against being told to eat their vegetables, or even to put on their pajamas. When it comes to protecting your kids’ smiles, the great news is that thorough preventive care doesn’t have to be complicated, or even feel like a constant fight. Your pediatric dentist actually has some simple ways to help protect those precious smiles! (more…)