Your “I Don’t Know What To Do!” Moments

There are oh so many, “I have no idea what to do!” moments that come about when you have a child. Sometimes, you can wing it! Other times, such as with dental emergencies and otherwise, you may find yourself in a bit of a panic. You want to make wonderful choices for everything from dental hygiene to sudden concerns that present themselves but since you’re not a dental professional, figuring out the best course of action on the fly isn’t always something that’s very easy to accomplish. For issues pertaining to urgent care needs for smiles, remember we offer emergency dental care! For now, of course, we would love to address some worries that come up quite frequently, so you can easily avoid common issues (or handle them should they arise).


Things To Remember When Caring For Your Baby’s Oral Health

You can take steps to provide oral care for your baby before their first tooth even arrives. Gently cleaning their gums with a soft, wet washcloth or piece of gauze will protect them against the formation of bacteria. When your baby’s teeth start to arrive, you will take a careful, caring approach to protecting them against cavities. Once that first tooth arrives, you can schedule their first appointment with your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist. Starting care at this stage provides your baby with great oral health support, and gives you information about their development, as well as how to continue caring for their smile.  (more…)

Your Child’s Swollen Gums: What To Think?

What do you notice when you look at your child’s oh-so-cute grin? If it’s not the world’s cutest smile you’re noticing but instead, you’re seeing swollen gums, then you might experience a sudden knot in your stomach. “Oh no,” you may think to yourself, “this doesn’t look good.” Here’s all of the good news you need to get started: If it’s a gum health issue, we can help. However, it might be something else entirely that will resolve on its own. Ready for some details? We had a feeling you would be!


Smile Changes And Care: Now What?

As long as your children’s smiles remain the same, you can rely on the fact that you know how to provide dental care for them. You know what they should be doing in front of their bathroom sinks, so you can watch them, clean your teeth with them, or simply check in on their habits to make sure things are on track. Then, there’s professional care: It’s all about the two visits every year goal, which is something you can also handle. Now, throw a seemingly big change into the mix and you might not feel like you know what to do anymore! Our suggestion, of course, is to let us know you need a little help. We’re here for you!


Let’s Talk: Toothbrushing Apps!

As you have probably already discovered, when you announce to your kids, “Time to brush your teeth!” it doesn’t always go over so well. Or, you receive a somewhat neutral if not cold reception. What you’d love, of course, is to hear your kids clapping with glee. This seems unlikely. That is, until you become familiar with toothbrushing apps that can give your dental hygiene sessions the 180 that you’ve been dreaming about on a daily basis!


Smile Time: Is Sharing Always Caring?

Yes, it’s a very wise thing to teach your children to share! You want them to grow up to be kind and giving human beings, after all. However, this can become just a tad bit confusing in relation to oral health. You want your children to learn that “sharing is caring” but you don’t want them to share germs! So, let’s walk through some specifics you may not have considered just yet to ensure you’re making some important distinctions between good sharing…and then the not so good.


Breath: Let’s Talk About It

It’s very easy to assume that if your child’s breath isn’t friendly and approachable, your little one (or teen) may not be brushing and flossing. This is absolutely a possibility! However, it’s not the only possible reason for unpleasant breath. So, what to do about bad breath when it ends up on the scene? Try a few things out to see if you can identify the culprit. If not, it may be time for a quick visit!


Protecting Baby Teeth: 3 Things To Avoid

You may already know that even though baby teeth will eventually be shed and permanent teeth will replace them, they serve as preliminary guides for those future teeth. While you are aware that consistent dental hygiene and visits are essential in your efforts toward protecting primary teeth, there are some possible hazards you might overlook. Let us ensure that you are not with a few tips for what to avoid.


Kids’ Flossing Is Only As Good As Their Parents’ Habits

What would you say if we asked if you’re a master flosser? If you could say that you certainly floss every day like you’re supposed to but you’re not so sure about how good you are at flossing, then we remind you of one important detail: Your kids’ dental hygiene is only going to be as good as your own, since you’re the primary teacher in your home. To make sure everyone in your household is on track with this essential detail, let’s make our way through a quick review.


Spring Cleaning With 3 Meanings

One of the major benefits of spring is that, whether you’re feeling like it or not, it spurs us all on to participate in a little spring cleaning! The scary accumulation of odds and ends, dust, grime, and more are swept and scrubbed away with a little extra elbow grease, leaving everything sparkling and fresh. So, how might you apply your enthusiasm for a springtime cleanup to your child’s oral health experience (once you’ve mustered up that enthusiasm, of course)? We have three very helpful ideas for you!
