Best Brushing For You And Your Child

If you aren’t quite sure how to best brush your smile for effective dental hygiene you may wonder if you’re passing along the best information and advice to your little one. The good news is that you and your child can both brush together – and potentially brush even better – by following some simple guidelines for ensuring you get your teeth and gums squeaky clean. Rest easy, even if you have been taking a misstep here or there, getting back on track toward an extremely clean, fresh smile is simple.


Children’s Dentistry: Myth Versus Fact?

While taking care of your own smile requires dedication, making sure your little one’s smile remains healthy brings your commitment to a whole new level. As a result, your attention to separating myths from facts regarding children’s dentistry may become something at which you become consistently more adept. Of course, to make sure you are making the best choices for your child, we encourage you to bring your questions to us. We will shed light on the facts that will protect your son or daughter’s oral health.


Restorative Care Benefits

When you discover that your child needs restorative care to make a repair, you may find yourself feeling conflicted. You know that restoring and protecting your child’s oral health is essential to promoting a lasting smile. However, you may have concerns about whether your child will feel comfortable and if treatment is really necessary. First, allow us to reassure you that we always place the comfort of your son or daughter at the top of our list of concerns. In addition to applying local anesthetic during treatments, we also offer sedation dentistry. As for acting with urgency regarding restorations, we encourage you to learn more about the benefits as a means of gaining a clearer perspective.


Shakespeare Dallas: King Lear

Are you a seasoned vet when it comes to Shakespearean performances? Or do you find yourself on the other end of the spectrum, having a surprising amount of knowledge regarding the storylines but having seen very few – if any – live performances? Whether you’re a long-time fan of seeing the Bard’s stories acted out or a newbie, catch this final performance of Shakespeare Dallas before the season wraps up – it’s sure to be an enjoyable experience.


Our Pediatric Dental Services

Keeping your child’s smile healthy and looking beautiful may require a wide variety of treatments. For instance, we always strive to protect your little one’s smile and surrounding supportive structures by practicing excellent prevention (while instructing you in home care). However, that doesn’t mean an occasional problem will not arise. A problem – of course – that we are ready to address and resolve right away with restorative services. Do you feel confident in dental care but you’re still curious about the pediatric dental services we offer for your son or daughter? Learn a bit more about your options for a broader understanding of what you can expect.


A Quick Guide to Children’s Dental Health

Your children’s teeth are more than just milestones; they’re placeholders for the adult teeth that will eventually grow in their place. Therefore, keeping their primary teeth healthy and in good shape is as important, and sometimes more so, as keeping your own smile healthy and disease-free. The first thing they should learn, then, is how to brush and floss their teeth effectively (and consistently) at home. Since professional dental care is also a vital part of children’s good dental health, you should also teach your children the importance of visiting the dentist regularly, and what to expect when they do. (more…)

Q&A Session: Teething

When your typically smiley, happy baby suddenly becomes a fussy, seemingly uncomfortable frowner, you know something has changed. If common symptoms accompany this shift, your instincts that teething has begun are probably spot on. However, particularly if this is your first child, you may find that you have a long list of questions that you would love to have answered. Fortunately, we are ready to provide you with the information you seek. Keep in mind, if you have additional inquiries or simply feel uneasy, we are always happy to schedule a dental checkup for your child.


Mike Squires At The Dallas Galleria

Are you on the lookout for something entertaining for your child to enjoy on the weekends? Do you happen to have a penchant for window shopping (or making a purchase or two) at the Dallas Galleria? Well, you’re in luck! You and the whole family can enjoy your Saturday with this upcoming event.


Stages Of Tooth Development

When your little one’s smile is in the process of developing, watching each stage is amazing and exciting. However, when you’re not sure what to expect you can find yourself worrying about whether the developmental process is normal or if you should schedule a visit to see us. We are, of course, always happy to see your child for a dental checkup, particularly if it has been longer than six months or you think something is wrong. Rather than leaving you with a great mystery, we are happy to provide you with details about what to expect from tooth development. Now you can relax and simply enjoy watching your little one grow.


How To Handle Your Child’s Toothache

When your child comes to you with a toothache, do you know what to say and what to do? Or do you find that you feel frantic and a bit torn regarding the severity of the situation? Don’t worry, this is a common issue that is best addressed by making your way through several steps. As long as your child is not running a fever (which is a good sign that you need to schedule an appointment with your pediatrician), then you can calmly help your child feel more comfortable, while planning time for a regularly scheduled appointment or emergency dental visit with us.
