Protecting Your Child From Gum Disease
You probably know that when it comes to the big bad wolf of oral health problems, periodontal disease is certainly quite the monster. However, if you don’t know much about what it is or how to prevent gum disease, you may find yourself at a loss regarding the protection of your little one’s smile. The good news is that understanding gum-related illness and how to avoid it is extremely simple. By becoming familiar with the basics, you will know what to do, what to tell your child, and when to call us if you feel something isn’t quite right. However, you should rest easy – safeguarding your child’s gum tissue is a breeze.
Making Brush Time Fun
Are you wondering if there’s something you can do to make toothbrushing time a fun experience rather than something your child views as a chore? Your intentions, of course, are to assist your child in enjoying the very thing that will keep his or her smile clean and healthy for a lifetime – but how to approach this plan correctly? Fortunately, it’s just a matter of adding some excitement and happiness to the process. Look at this as a bonding moment and a time to “play” so brushing feels effortless. (And remember to ask for tips during your next dental checkup)!
Answering Your Questions About Digital X-Rays
You are probably certain that we incorporate a visual exam into your child’s dental checkup to make sure everything looks healthy and free of changes. However, have you spent any time wondering how we approach viewing the more intricate details of your little one’s oral cavity? Wonder no more – we complete a thorough exam with the use of digital X-rays. Have questions? Don’t worry – we’ve got answers!
Common Concerns: Answering Pediatric Dentistry Questions
Sometimes the biggest questions you face regarding your child’s dental care are the simplest in nature. For instance, trying to decide when to begin providing your child with dental checkups can be quite confusing, particularly if this is your first baby. The good news is that all of our patients have parents dealing with the same types of concerns. We encourage you to contact us to ask your questions, so we can help you feel comfortable about your little one’s care. In the meantime, we invite you to take a look at the following common questions (and answers) we often receive from patients:
Helpful Tips For Successful Independent Brushing
When the day finally arrives, you will probably find yourself jumping for joy: It’s time for your child to begin brushing independently. This marks a very exciting moment in your child’s life and dental hygiene journey. However, you may find that equal to your enthusiasm is a feeling of hesitation. You may wonder how to best help your son or daughter along during this portion of learning how to brush effectively. First, we suggest that you wait until your child reaches the age of about six or seven before you begin independent brushing. Then, of course, we recommend that you take the following tips into consideration for an enjoyable experience:
Dental Checkups: Compelling Reasons To Schedule Visits
You know that it is extremely important it is to schedule consistent dental checkups to maintain healthy teeth and gums (and more). However, we are very familiar with the fact that though many patients follow our suggestions for committed care, they are not quite sure what makes checkups so significant. To find out more about how scheduling checkups for your child will assist in keeping your son or daughter’s smile healthy – and your little one feeling comfortable – consider the following information:
Are Dental Sealants Good for My Child?
When it comes to offering pediatric dental care, we feel just as strongly as you do about protecting your child’s teeth. This is why we provide you with a comprehensive selection of treatments to keep your child’s adorable smile looking and feeling its best. However, just because you know we offer effective, comfortable care does not mean that you know what to make of each pediatric procedure or if it is even right for your little one. Rather than making assumptions, we encourage you to learn more about dental sealants. They can provide exceptional protection for your son or daughter’s smile. (more…)