How Often Do Kids Need to See the Dentist?

Being a parent is no easy task. You will spend years taking care of your kids while also trying to teach them to care for themselves. It can be tricky trying to balance these two important jobs. Fortunately, when it comes to dental care, your pediatric dentist can help! Not only can dentists teach your kids healthy habits that will protect their teeth and gums, at-home; they are also there to clean those precious teeth before problems can arise. If you really want to protect your kids’ smiles effectively, make sure they are seeing the dentist regularly for key preventive care and a great dental education.


Can I Help My Kids Prevent Cavities?

As a parent, it’s your job to help protect your kids, and to teach them the skills they’ll need to grow up healthy, and hopefully happy, as well. That said, some parts of your job are likely a lot easier than others. What kid doesn’t love going to the park for some exercise, or being read a favorite book at night, for instance? On the other hand, many kids will argue against being told to eat their vegetables, or even to put on their pajamas. When it comes to protecting your kids’ smiles, the great news is that thorough preventive care doesn’t have to be complicated, or even feel like a constant fight. Your pediatric dentist actually has some simple ways to help protect those precious smiles! (more…)

Are You Setting a Good Dental Example?

As a parent, you may have learned the hard way that your kids are likely watching your every move. In fact, it could be why you started watching what you say when you inevitably stub a toe, and also why you stopped having French fries as an afternoon snack. When it comes to setting a good oral health example, though, how are you really doing? There are several simple habits you should develop to protect your own smile. Fortunately, these can also help to create a good oral care example for your kids! (more…)

How Do I Know If I My Kid Has a Dental Cavity? Part One

As a parent, you hate to see your kid in pain, particularly when it is preventable. Sadly, many kids will be diagnosed with dental cavities, which can create sensitivity, discomfort, and even painful tooth infections. In fact, cavities are the most common disease faced by kids in America. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 40 percent of kids between the ages of two and 11 will been diagnosed with cavities in their “baby teeth,” and 20 percent of kids between 6 and 11-years-old will be diagnosed with cavities in permanent teeth. Decay can lead to lifelong struggles with poor dental health. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to help better protect your children from dental cavities. That said, if your kid is diagnosed with tooth decay, there are ways to help restore his or her comfort, quickly, so you can both get back to smiling, soon. (more…)

Do Kids Really Need to See the Dentist?

Are your child’s baby teeth still in the process of erupting? If so, you might brush the teeth you can see occasionally, but feel tempted to neglect regular dental care until more of the teeth are visible. Sadly, this can be detrimental to your child’s dental health. Even babies can struggle with oral health threats, like baby bottle tooth decay. Yes, right from the start, your child needs preventive dental care to help develop and protect his or her healthy smile! (more…)

Does Your Child Need Treatment for A Dental Cavity?

Wondering if there is any way to help your kids avoid the need for dental fillings? Many parents don’t realize how susceptible children are to dental caries, or as they’re more commonly called cavities. That is, until it is already too late to prevent them. For years, this meant that even young children often required dental fillings to help address decay and to prevent infection. Fortunately, recent studies are showing that there is now a helpful alternative to traditional fillings, which can be particularly beneficial for children. The substance is called silver diamine fluoride (SDF), and it is a liquid that is being used to help stop tooth decay and to protect teeth, while also helping to minimize tooth sensitivity. (more…)

When Will My Baby’s Teeth Begin Coming In? Part One

As a first-time parent there is so much to learn, from how hot to make your baby’s bath to how often your newborn will need to be fed. Of course, you are also likely to wonder when your baby will be reaching milestones, such as rolling over, crawling, and eventually standing on his or her own. What about your baby’s smile, though? Are you curious, even clueless, about when to expect teething to begin, much less how to help your child cope with this uncomfortable part of growing up? If so, your child’s pediatric dentist can be a huge help in your quest to keep your child healthy and comfortable, both during the teething process and far beyond. (more…)

Do Your Kids Need Restorative Treatment?

Have your kids begun complaining of dental discomfort, particularly when they try to enjoy a bowl of soup, a cup of cocoa, or a bite of their favorite ice cream? If so, you might be tempted to overlook their complaints. After all, every parent knows that kids can be prone to complaining. However it is important to know that heightened or sudden sensitivity can often be a warning sign of enamel erosion. Over time, damage to the enamel can lead to outright discomfort, and cavities, which leave the interior of the tooth exposed to bacteria that could cause infections. Left untreated, cavities can eventually require the need for root canal treatment or infection. So, if your kids are giving you any indication that they could have an oral health problem, like a cavity, it is time to take them to see their pediatric dentist. That way they can enjoy comfort and confidence, once again, and you can rest assured that you are doing all you can to keep their smiles healthy and beautiful! (more…)

Make Dental Care More Fun for the Family

Do your kids frequently complain about having to brush and floss their teeth? Does enforcing dental hygiene practices sometimes feel more like a daily battle than parenting? If so, have you considered that maybe you could take a new approach, one that might actually help make dental care more fun for the whole family? There actually are some simple and pediatric-dentist approved ways you can help make dental hygiene feel less of a chore for both you and your kids. That is great news for those of you tired of feeling like you’re pulling teeth, when simply trying to make sure your kids are caring for theirs. (more…)

What Is The Purpose Of Baby Teeth?

Many animals are born with one set of teeth and as they lose one tooth another erupts to fill the space. Humans, on the other hand, are born with baby teeth which are then lost and replaced with permanent teeth. Once we have our permanent teeth we must take very good care of them, because if we lose them, that’s it. There are no other teeth left to replace them. But, what is the purpose of baby teeth?
