Can I Help My Kids Prevent Cavities?

As a parent, it’s your job to help protect your kids, and to teach them the skills they’ll need to grow up healthy, and hopefully happy, as well. That said, some parts of your job are likely a lot easier than others. What kid doesn’t love going to the park for some exercise, or being read a favorite book at night, for instance? On the other hand, many kids will argue against being told to eat their vegetables, or even to put on their pajamas. When it comes to protecting your kids’ smiles, the great news is that thorough preventive care doesn’t have to be complicated, or even feel like a constant fight. Your pediatric dentist actually has some simple ways to help protect those precious smiles!

Are They Flossing?

Brushing is a good start, when it comes to dental hygiene, especially if your kids are using proper technique and brushing for at least two minutes each time. Setting a timer can help make sure they do so.

That said, to really protect smiles, flossing is just as important! That’s because flossing is the best way to remove the bacteria and food particles that tend to lodge in the small crevices between teeth. Without prompt removal this bacteria can lead to enamel erosion as well as gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease.

So, take the time to teach your kids to floss, and then make sure they do so at least once a day. Flossing with them can help to set a good example, and would certainly benefit your own smile, as well.

Have They Seen the Dentist Recently?

Regular dental checkups and cleanings are also essential to prolonged oral health. For kids and adults, alike, most dentists recommend visiting at least twice a year for cleanings. However, if your kids are extra susceptible to cavities, which sometimes happens due to genetic factors, and other times occurs because of poor diet, hygiene or even as a result of some medications, they may need to see their dentist even more frequently to best prevent cavities.

Ready to Schedule an Appointment?

Regular preventive care is essential for kids and adults, alike. To schedule a visit for your child, contact Pediatric Dental Care at Casa Linda, at 214-321-4880.

filed under: General Dentistry, Good Hygiene