The Benefits of Dental Crowns
You know that a crown is a hollow, artificial structure shaped to cover your child’s damaged or weak back teeth. You may not know, however, why this restorative treatment is essential. The wonderful news is that dental crowns offer many benefits for your child’s smile. Unlike your own teeth, which are already completely developed, your child’s teeth are still growing. By protecting them along the way, we can ensure your son or daughter’s full smile is beautiful, healthy, and prepared to remain that way for years to come. Ready to learn more about the advantages of crowns, so you feel confident about protecting your child’s tooth? Read further:
Tooth-Colored Fillings Benefits
Scheduling an appointment to address your child’s tooth decay can bring with it a wellspring of emotions. Fortunately, these feelings can all be positive ones, thanks to the fact that we offer tooth-colored fillings for pediatric cavities. You may have heard of this restorative treatment for adults, too. You see, unlike metal fillings, which are composed of mercury-containing amalgam, our fillings are made of composite. This synthetic acrylic-resin material provides patients with an exceptional array of advantages. Ready to learn more about why you and your child should be smiling about your little one’s upcoming visit? Find out more with the following:
Helpful Tips For Successful Independent Brushing
When the day finally arrives, you will probably find yourself jumping for joy: It’s time for your child to begin brushing independently. This marks a very exciting moment in your child’s life and dental hygiene journey. However, you may find that equal to your enthusiasm is a feeling of hesitation. You may wonder how to best help your son or daughter along during this portion of learning how to brush effectively. First, we suggest that you wait until your child reaches the age of about six or seven before you begin independent brushing. Then, of course, we recommend that you take the following tips into consideration for an enjoyable experience:
Dental Checkups: Compelling Reasons To Schedule Visits
You know that it is extremely important it is to schedule consistent dental checkups to maintain healthy teeth and gums (and more). However, we are very familiar with the fact that though many patients follow our suggestions for committed care, they are not quite sure what makes checkups so significant. To find out more about how scheduling checkups for your child will assist in keeping your son or daughter’s smile healthy – and your little one feeling comfortable – consider the following information:
Don’t Worry, Accidents Happen!
Realizing your child has experienced a sudden accident is scary enough without accompanying discomfort that you may not know how to address. Fortunately, we offer emergency dentistry for your child, so you know just where to turn and what to do when a dental mishap occurs. While this may offer you some relief, you may still feel unsure about exactly how to respond when your child’s smile has been compromised by sudden pain or trauma. By learning a bit more about how to react to a smile emergency with the following information, you can feel prepared and confident about keeping your child’s teeth healthy even when something unexpected happens.
Tooth Extractions: The Basics
You do your best to keep your child safe – and that includes making sure your little one’s smile is in excellent condition. However, sometimes things happen that are out of your control, which is when professionals like dental teams step in to quickly address issues, make repairs, and send you and your child home smiling. When it comes to serious problems with teeth, we may suggest a tooth extraction to safeguard your child’s smile. We understand that you may be scratching your head, wondering why we would want to take a tooth away rather than keep it in place. Rest assured, each decision we make is with your child’s best interest at heart. We invite you to learn more with the following information, so you feel more comfortable and knowledgeable regarding extractions:
Root Canal Treatments: Why We Suggest Them
Like any parent, you are probably a bit hesitant to schedule a dental treatment for your child until you have all of your questions answered. When it comes to understanding why we suggest root canal treatments for your little one, we can certainly understand why you feel concerned. First, recognize that we prioritize your child’s comfort above all else. If a root canal is necessary, we will gently and thoroughly numb the tooth in question as well as surrounding tissues for a comfortable experience. Now, as for why we may suggest this restorative service for your child, we invite you to take a look at the following information:
What Are Dental Crowns?
Your child’s teeth are susceptible to a variety of concerns, just like adult teeth. While you are probably not too happy about tooth decay and other factors that can potentially damage your little one’s smile, you will be happy to learn more about dental crowns. These prosthetics often allow us to protect and save your child’s tooth, while preventing the need for a tooth extraction. Keep in mind that your child’s immediate and long-term comfort are among our top priorities. Before you make any snap judgments about crowns, we invite you to learn more about them and how they can benefit your child with the following information:
Does Your Child Need A Pediatric Filling?
We know that the last thing you want is to find out that your child needs restorative treatments. However, we encourage you to remain calm and recognize that your child’s comfort and happiness are our top priority. When it comes to tooth decay, the sooner we detect and treat the concern, the sooner your child can return to complete comfort and daily function. Rest assured, we practice gentle dentistry to keep your child feeling positive about dental care. Ready to learn more about whether your little one needs a pediatric filling? Read further:
Are Dental Sealants Good for My Child?
When it comes to offering pediatric dental care, we feel just as strongly as you do about protecting your child’s teeth. This is why we provide you with a comprehensive selection of treatments to keep your child’s adorable smile looking and feeling its best. However, just because you know we offer effective, comfortable care does not mean that you know what to make of each pediatric procedure or if it is even right for your little one. Rather than making assumptions, we encourage you to learn more about dental sealants. They can provide exceptional protection for your son or daughter’s smile. (more…)