Don’t Worry: Tooth Extractions Are For Healthy Teeth, Too!

You may feel uneasy learning that your child needs a tooth extraction. Just the term alone may cause you to immediately assume something is wrong, since the removal of a tooth is sometimes associated with a very unhealthy tooth. While this type of removal certainly has its place, there are other common reasons for extractions that we provide for healthy teeth! So, before you begin feeling worried or upset, we recommend opening yourself up to some new knowledge that will likely put a smile on your face!


Let’s Talk About Gingivitis!

Yes, we know. Talking about gingivitis is not something you want to do because your goal is for your kiddos to keep their smiles nice and healthy. However, it’s very important you understand the basics of this first phase of gum disease, so you can do your absolute best to keep it from affecting your children. When you’re informed, you can save your children from the potential (serious) damage that can come from a neglected case of gum inflammation. Oh, and you can rest easy: Preventing gum disease is simple when you know how to do it.


Smile Care: Remind Your Kids To Ask Questions

How many questions do your children ask you every day? A lot? How many questions do they ask you about their oral health and smile care? If they aren’t usually very vocal about their smiles with you (or they become a bit shy with us during dental checkups), we advise you to encourage them to ask their questions. It’s a good habit to form, so they are always confident about caring for their teeth and gums and asking for help when they need it!


Halloween Time: 3 Things To Watch For

The extraordinarily fun, kid-friendly, not-so-friendly-for-your-smile holiday we all love to celebrate during October is just around the bend! Yep. Before you know it, you’ll be helping your children put the finishing touches on their costumes and you’ll be reminding them about their manners when they go house-to-house for candy! While you may feel prepared regarding decorations, fun, and outfit details, you might not feel too certain about protecting your children’s oral health on this sugar-filled day. Don’t worry. We’re full of advice when it comes to things to watch for!


Oral Health Protection: 2 Habits To Stop Early

When you see your little one doing something that you know will lead to serious consequences down the line, your immediate reaction is to find a way to put a stop to it. When it’s something less obvious, however, you may not even realize that you’re witnessing a habit that can negatively affect the future of your child’s oral health. Today, we cover just a couple smile-related habits that can lead to damage (and that you can easily encourage your children to avoid).


2 Things We’d Rather You Didn’t Do

We know that it can be tricky to figure out whether you’re overreacting or if you’re under-reacting and, as a result, leaving your child’s oral health vulnerable to possible problems. Generally speaking, we say that if it is something you don’t know how to do or are not trained to do, call us to schedule a dental visit. One of the easiest ways to figure out when it’s a good idea to call us and when you can just stay home is to err on the side of being just a little overprotective and then working your way from there! For now, let’s talk about a couple things that we really don’t want you trying on your own.


Tongue Talk: A Few Helpful Tips

At this point, if you know all about brushing and flossing, then you’re most certainly on track with optimal dental hygiene with your kiddos. They’re probably starting to get the hang of the details and are well on their way toward developing excellent habits that will become a natural part of their daily lives (hopefully forever and ever). As your friendly dental practice, we like to check in from time to time to make sure you really do feel like you’re on top of things with your child’s oral health. Today, for instance, we offer tips on the tongue just in case you need a bit of additional guidance.


Offering Quick Answers For New Patient Questions

Are you a busy parent looking for a dental practice for your child? We know that the initial process of meeting with a new dental team and getting things set up can feel a bit stressful, which is why we would like to provide you with a helpful Q&A session for new patients. For the details you’re still curious about, please feel free to contact us. In the meantime, we welcome you to our practice and invite you to gather a few helpful details!


Why Are My Kids’ Teeth Bumpy?

When you take at look at your children’s front teeth and then at your own, do you wonder why their permanent teeth display bumps, while yours have flat chewing edges? Before you become too concerned about your child’s dental health, first know that there is nothing unusual about this. It is a completely normal anatomical trait that displays the way your son or daughter’s teeth form. As for some specifics, we are happy to offer details.


Why Teaching Kids Hygiene Is Important

How often do you brush your teeth? If you answered at least twice a day (and we hope you did), then you are on the right track. However, do you know why brushing and flossing is integral to maintaining healthy teeth? Understanding the importance of a good dental hygiene routine is an important aspect of teaching children how to adhere to it. The reason why teaching kids good hygiene is important is because they’ll carry the lessons with them for life, improving their chances of enjoying beautiful, healthy smiles for life. (more…)