Safe And Simple Cavity Prevention With Sealants

When your child has a cavity, this could cause discomfort and eventually threaten the stability of the tooth. While we can treat them with lifelike composite resin fillings, we would love to help your kid avoid them entirely. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about the benefits of placing dental sealants.
Dallas Library Hosts Harry Potter Family Events
Every Friday, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist likes to take a look at fun local events that your entire family can enjoy. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at three fun (and some virtual) Harry Potter events hosted by the Dallas Library. We would also like to remind parents that we’re always here to see your child for treatment, or for a checkup and cleaning!
Kids Benefit From Dental Cleanings

Over time, children could develop plaque and tartar on their smiles. Without removal, this could harm their oral health and lead to serious trouble! Which is why your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist recommends a dental cleaning twice a year, starting at age two. In today’s blog, find out what to expect from a cleaning procedure.
A Checkup Could Help Maintain Your Child’s Smile

Once every six months, we like to see your children for a checkup and cleaning, so they can maintain good oral health and gain a better understanding of their smile. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about the benefits of a checkup and cleaning, and when to bring your children in for one.
Do Kids Really Need To Floss?
In our last blog, we looked at how children need to brush properly to protect kids from cavities and gingivitis. But in addition to cleaning the surfaces of their teeth, kids need to clean between them too. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about tips for better flossing.
Helping Your Children Brush Their Teeth

Your dentist has likely told you multiple times that brushing daily is crucial for good oral health. Well, this applies to kids too! In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how to help your child take good care of their teeth, helping them avoid issues like tooth decay and even gingivitis.
Treatment For An Accidental Injury

When a little tooth is accidentally injured, this means there is an increased risk of your child developing tooth decay or an infected tooth. Fortunately, we can address damaged smiles, often in one visit, with emergency dental care. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about our approach to dental emergencies.
Comfortable Care With Laser Dentistry

When kids need treatment, we always employ the latest technology to offer care with precision, and ensure better comfort too. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how we ensure a comfortable treatment with the use of laser dentistry.
Dental Sedation For Little Smiles

A good experience at the dentist in childhood means a kid is more likely to take better care of his or her smiles, and continue to seek treatment in adulthood. Which is why we always want to make sure each and every one of our young patients enjoys their time in the office. To help them feel comfortable, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist could offer dental sedation.
A Tooth Extraction Could Help Your Child’s Smile

As we’ve discussed in our blog, we often try to preserve teeth that have become decayed or infected. But sometimes, issues grow so severe that the tooth could need to be removed to prevent complications. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about tooth extraction for kids.