Best Practices For Your Kid’s Toothbrush

As you help your little ones learn how to brush properly (and you do your best to keep a smile on everyone’s faces during the process), you put a lot of energy into the brushing itself. As a result, you may overlook the fact that successful dental hygiene relies on the way you care for your oral health products, too. While we certainly offer you our admiration and applause for the time and effort you are already putting into your kiddo’s smile, we have some tips for you to consider for an even more successful experience.


Why Are My Kids’ Teeth Bumpy?

When you take at look at your children’s front teeth and then at your own, do you wonder why their permanent teeth display bumps, while yours have flat chewing edges? Before you become too concerned about your child’s dental health, first know that there is nothing unusual about this. It is a completely normal anatomical trait that displays the way your son or daughter’s teeth form. As for some specifics, we are happy to offer details.


Can You Get Your Kids Excited About their Oral Care?

Do your kids act completely dejected every time they have to brush their teeth? What about when it is time to see the dentist? If so, there are some ways you can help to get your kids more excited about their own oral care? Sound too good to be true? Think again! There are some surprisingly simple ways you can help to get your kids more excited about caring for their smiles, and since dental hygiene will be crucial throughout their lives, it is important to do all you can to help them form healthy habits now. (more…)

What Snacks Are Best for Your Kids’ Smiles?

Want to help your kids stay healthy this year? If so, you may have already taken several steps to better protect their bodies and their smiles. Good dental hygiene is essential for oral health, of course. Yet if your kids are regularly consuming too much sugar, they are still likely to struggle with dental decay. Fortunately, you can help your kids develop healthy habits, and protect those precious pearly whites by giving them healthy foods for meals and snacks. Best of all, many are delicious and both kid and pediatric dentist-approved! (more…)

3 Tips for Effective Cavity Prevention

Cavities are one of the biggest threats to children’s smiles, but the good news is that there are several simple and effective ways to prevent them. By teaching your children how to take excellent care of their smiles, you can give them the tools they need to improve their chances never having to deal with a cavity. One of the most important tips for effective cavity prevention is to make your children’s dentist an important partner in the process by bringing your child in for regular dental visits. (more…)

Could an App Actually Help Protect Your Kids’ Smiles?

Over the last several years there has been a disturbing rise in childhood tooth decay, and that has troubled more than just the kids suffering from cavities. Pediatric dentists and educators have also taken notice. Fortunately, some have been inspired to think out of the box when it comes to inspiring kids to take better care of their smiles. In that spirit, one pediatric dentist in particular, Dr. Diane Buyer, actually developed an app that teaches kids about the beverages most likely to lead to tooth decay, as well as the ways they can help to prevent dental damage! (more…)

Healthy Snack Ideas In Honor of National Nutrition Month!

Kids may not always want to eat their veggies, particularly if they’re not deep fried or nearly drowning in salt or sugar. Still, there are many compelling reasons to help your kids develop healthy eating habits, one of which is their smiles. A healthy diet helps to give your kids the fuel they need to grow up strong, healthy and with lots of energy. March just so happens to be a great month to make a renewed effort to help your whole family eat healthier, too, in honor of National Nutrition Month. Fortunately, there are a lot of healthy snack ideas your kids are likely to love! (more…)

Got Questions About Baby Teeth? Your Pediatric Dentist Could Help!

As a first-time parent, you likely already have your hands full balancing your new life as a mom. You may even be feeling overwhelmed by questions, like how often your child should be napping, eating, or visiting the doctor. In fact, you might not have had a spare second to start thinking about your child’s dental care, yet. Fortunately, your pediatric dentist is there to help you take great care of your baby’s smile. Often, that begins with answering any questions you might have about pediatric dental care! (more…)

What You Need to Know About Teething

Is your generally happy and easygoing baby seeming particularly fussy, lately? If so, it could be due to teething. Babies are born with 20 teeth just below the gumline, which must then come in, or erupt. This can unfortunately be a painful process for your child. Of course, it can also be troubling to parents, seeing their kids suffer from teething troubles. The good news is that there are some simple steps you can take to help your child feel more comfortable during this necessary part of growing up. (more…)

Got Questions? Ask Your Pediatric Dentist: Part Two

As a parent, you probably already have your hands full juggling all that work and life throw your way. Does it seem like you barely have time to catch your breath, most days, much less to get ahead? When it comes to your own smile, you might already realize that a bit of preventive care goes a long way in protecting against dental problems that would subsequently require both time and money to address. Yet when it comes to your kids, are you unsure what dental care they really need? Your pediatric dentist can help answer those questions, so you can take the steps necessary to protect those precious smiles, and that can save you both time and money in the long run! (more…)