We Have Sedation Expertise
We want to ensure that each and every child we see enjoys a positive experience in our office. To do so, we can offer sedation in addition to local anesthetic, so they are comfortable even if they have dental anxiety. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about our sedation expertise.
Preventing Cavities Over Summer Break
Summer break is here! Which means your kids may be snacking a little more than normal, and may fall back on their brushing and flossing habits. But we can help kids avoid the onset of cavities with preventive care and tips on better homecare. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about cavity prevention during the summer, from a visit for an exam and a professional cleaning, or better snack habits and brushing and flossing at home. Together, we can safeguard little smiles during their summer break!
How To Prevent Tooth Decay In A Child’s Smile
We want to help kids avoid common issues like tooth decay, so they stay clear of toothaches and the risk of premature tooth loss. Both at home and in our office, there are actions you and your children can take to keep cavities away. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how to prevent tooth decay in your child’s smile, so they can enjoy good oral health and teeth that shine!
What Happens During Your Child’s Checkup?
When was the last time you scheduled a visit for your child? To keep little smiles of all ages free of issues like tooth decay, we recommend a visit for a checkup and cleaning visit. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about the importance of a checkup and what to expect!
Protecting Your Child’s Smile With Preventive Dentistry
We believe in a preventive approach to children’s dentistry, so we can help kids maintain good oral health and avoid common concerns like cavities and gingivitis. From checkups and cleanings to dental sealants, we can safeguard little smiles of all ages. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about preventive dental care and how we help kids enjoy good oral health and brighter smiles!
How Dental Sealants Offer Cavity-Protection
Cavities can form in your child’s smile and without treatment, leading to tooth loss and misalignment. But we can not only treat cavities, but offer treatments designed to prevent them from occurring in the first place. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about preventing cavities with dental sealants.
How We Help Little Smiles With Dental Lasers
We offer advanced technology to diagnose and treat smiles for kids of all ages. For example, we use comfortable digital x-rays to make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. But we also use advanced treatments like dental lasers to provide an alternative to scalpels and sutures. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about laser dentistry.
Dental Sealants Help Kids Stay Cavity-Free
Since many kids have trouble reaching the molars in the back of the mouth, this could leave this portion of the smile vulnerable to cavities and infections. Our team wants to help kids of all ages enjoy cavity-free smiles, which is why we offer unique preventive treatments. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about placing dental sealants to fight cavities.
How To Keep Your Child’s Smile Clean
Just like you, your child needs to care for his or her smile each day. Taking time to clean the teeth, both at home and in our office, can help fight issues like tooth decay and gingivitis, as well as bad breath and teeth stains. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how we help keep little smiles clean!
Back-To-School Checkups For Your Kids
Your kids will be heading back to school soon, and you want them to be fully prepared. But between shopping for supplies and clothes, don’t forget about their smiles! Now is a great time to see your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist for a back-to-school dental exam and cleaning visit!