What Happens During Your Child’s Checkup?

dallas kids checkups

When was the last time you scheduled a visit for your child? To keep little smiles of all ages free of issues like tooth decay, we recommend a visit for a checkup and cleaning visit. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about the importance of a checkup and what to expect!

The Dental Exam

Our team understands how to talk to kids and make them feel relaxed and listened too. When they sit down for the exam, we will answer their questions and address their concerns, and explain each step of the process to them. During the exam, we will take a close look at the smile with advanced digital imaging, such as digital x-rays and intraoral cameras. This enables us to make a diagnosis with precision quickly and comfortably, so we can identify issues early, often before they cause discomfort in little smiles. We will look for tooth decay, dental infection, gingivitis, and other common issues that impact little smiles. These visits help your kids better understand their smiles and the importance of caring for them. Your little ones could be less likely to develop dental anxiety too!

Cleaning Your Child’s Smile

Once we complete the exam portion, we will conduct a dental cleaning to remove the plaque and tartar that brushing and flossing alone cannot. With an ultrasonic scaling device and manual tool, we will gently and thoroughly remove the buildup from the teeth. We then polish your child’s smile to ensure a brighter appearance and to make it more difficult for plaque and tartar to adhere to the surfaces of the teeth before their next six-month visit. We will also take time to talk about proper brushing and flossing habits, how to choose smile-healthy snacks, and provide tips to help them better care for their smiles in between appointments.

Fluoride Treatments

We also want to help lower the risk of tooth decay, so during the checkup visit we will also apply fluoride to the teeth. This varnish coats the enamel and strengthens it to make the onset of cavities less likely. The application takes seconds and kids just need to wait about 30 minutes before they eat or drink anything to ensure it cures properly. Fluoride helps protect smiles, which is why we suggest kids three and younger use a rice sized bit of fluoride toothpaste, and kids over the age of three use a pea sized blot. We also offer dental sealants!

If you have any questions, give us a call today!

Do You Have Questions About Our Exams and Cleanings?

An exam and dental cleaning can help kids of all ages enjoy good oral health. To learn more about our approach to preventive dentistry, then please contact your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, by calling (214) 321-4880.


filed under: Preventive Treatments