Fun Alternatives to Playing Smile Sheriff with Your Kids

Are you getting tired of feeling like the bad guy, or the sheriff, in your house, because of how much time and energy you have to expend encouraging your kids to brush their teeth? Many young children complain about having to care for their teeth, but this does not have to be the dynamic in your home. If you want to help ensure your kids’ smiles are getting the care they need, but without having to police their every movie, consider your pediatric dentist’s tips for helping to make smile care more fun for the whole family, including you! (more…)

Are Your Baby’s Teeth Healthy?

Now that your bundle of joy has come home from the hospital, your house is likely a bustle of feedings and diaper changes, and all the adjustments that come with being a parent of a newborn. Over the next few months, your baby will be growing daily and changing faster than you can believe, and one of the changes you will see is your baby’s first few teeth erupting. While it might be tempting to ignore their dental health, knowing those baby teeth will fall out eventually, it is actually incredibly important to care for your child’s baby teeth, and your pediatric dentist can help you understand why. (more…)

Keep Your Family Healthy This Holiday

Will your house soon be home to a host of family members and friends? Or, is your own family set to travel, soon, in order to spend time with loved ones over the busy holiday season? During December, many routines can be shifted out of balance. Sadly, for some families, this includes their dental care. If you want to enter the new year with healthy teeth and gums, though, it is important to care for your smiles throughout the holidays and beyond. Wondering if there are some simple yet important ways to do so? There are. Fortunately, preventive care isn’t complicated or even time consuming. It just requires making some smart choices, both at-home and at the dentist’s office. (more…)

Make Your Kids Smile with Healthy Stocking Stuffers

You likely already have a growing list of to-do’s this holiday season, from shopping for gifts with which to surprise loved ones, to preparation for holiday meals and family gatherings. In all the excitement – and busyness – it is easy to overlook stocking stuffer shopping until the last minute. Unfortunately, this is likely why many parents end up filling their kids’ stockings mostly with sweets, and other potentially cavity-causing treats. This year, though, with a little planning and smart shopping you can elicit smiles on Christmas morning with the kind of treats that won’t contribute to dental decay. That way you can keep on enjoying those happy and healthy smiles well into the new year! (more…)

Make Dental Care More Fun for the Family

Do your kids frequently complain about having to brush and floss their teeth? Does enforcing dental hygiene practices sometimes feel more like a daily battle than parenting? If so, have you considered that maybe you could take a new approach, one that might actually help make dental care more fun for the whole family? There actually are some simple and pediatric-dentist approved ways you can help make dental hygiene feel less of a chore for both you and your kids. That is great news for those of you tired of feeling like you’re pulling teeth, when simply trying to make sure your kids are caring for theirs. (more…)

Simple Tips for Healthy Baby Teeth

Do you want to do all you can to help ensure that your children’s teeth remain strong and healthy as they grow? Great parents, of course, care about keeping their kids healthy. Unfortunately, it is sometimes easy to overlook caring for kids’ smiles, particularly since their baby teeth will eventually fall out, anyways. Right? If you have found yourself wondering why baby teeth are so important, or even how to care for them, it can be helpful to understand the function they play, and that they require the same kind of diligent care adult teeth need. That way you can help your kids care for their smiles, now and as they grow. (more…)

Are Your Kids Taking Great Care of Their Teeth?

As a parent, it can be a lot of work making sure your kids stay safe and healthy. Unfortunately, dental health is often the least of many parents’ concerns, which can contribute to a host of dental issues, including cavities and even gum disease. If you want to protect your kids’ smiles from common dental problems, though, it is important to teach them great dental habits, and to take them for regular preventive care. Fortunately, caring for their smiles doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. (more…)

Good Habits for Creating Healthy Smiles

If you care about your kids’ smile health, and what parent doesn’t, it is time to make sure they’re developing good dental habits. Even young children can be taught to properly brush and floss their teeth. They can also learn about how their diet can impact their dental health, and why visiting the dentist regularly is key to maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile. So, if you want this year to be one in which your whole family enjoys great oral health, make sure you are teaching your kids to care for their teeth and gums properly! (more…)

Do Your Kids’ Smiles Need Additional Protection?

Kids can be a bundle of energy, which explains why many parents have a constant feeling of being “on their toes,” so to speak, in an effort to keep up. Sadly, many parents still feel shocked, saddened and even frustrated, to learn that their kids require dental treatment, such as fillings to treat cavities or a crown to address a chipped or cracked tooth. Fortunately, it is possible to help prevent the need for restorative dental treatment, like a dental filling. It just requires some smart planning, as a parent. (more…)

Is It Time for Your Baby’s First Pediatric Dental Visit?

Since you brought your bundle of joy home from the hospital, has life felt like a whirring blend of diaper changes, midnight feedings, and occasional attempts to shower and clean house? As the weeks go by, and you find your rhythm as a new parent, there will be some important steps to take to care for your baby, including his or oral health. While it’s all-too-easy to overlook oral care, in those early days, there are many compelling reasons to make sure your child receives dental care, even as a baby.   (more…)