Simple Tips for Healthy Baby Teeth

Do you want to do all you can to help ensure that your children’s teeth remain strong and healthy as they grow? Great parents, of course, care about keeping their kids healthy. Unfortunately, it is sometimes easy to overlook caring for kids’ smiles, particularly since their baby teeth will eventually fall out, anyways. Right? If you have found yourself wondering why baby teeth are so important, or even how to care for them, it can be helpful to understand the function they play, and that they require the same kind of diligent care adult teeth need. That way you can help your kids care for their smiles, now and as they grow. (more…)

Are Your Kids Taking Great Care of Their Teeth?

As a parent, it can be a lot of work making sure your kids stay safe and healthy. Unfortunately, dental health is often the least of many parents’ concerns, which can contribute to a host of dental issues, including cavities and even gum disease. If you want to protect your kids’ smiles from common dental problems, though, it is important to teach them great dental habits, and to take them for regular preventive care. Fortunately, caring for their smiles doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. (more…)

Good Habits for Creating Healthy Smiles

If you care about your kids’ smile health, and what parent doesn’t, it is time to make sure they’re developing good dental habits. Even young children can be taught to properly brush and floss their teeth. They can also learn about how their diet can impact their dental health, and why visiting the dentist regularly is key to maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile. So, if you want this year to be one in which your whole family enjoys great oral health, make sure you are teaching your kids to care for their teeth and gums properly! (more…)

Do Your Kids’ Smiles Need Additional Protection?

Kids can be a bundle of energy, which explains why many parents have a constant feeling of being “on their toes,” so to speak, in an effort to keep up. Sadly, many parents still feel shocked, saddened and even frustrated, to learn that their kids require dental treatment, such as fillings to treat cavities or a crown to address a chipped or cracked tooth. Fortunately, it is possible to help prevent the need for restorative dental treatment, like a dental filling. It just requires some smart planning, as a parent. (more…)

Is It Time for Your Baby’s First Pediatric Dental Visit?

Since you brought your bundle of joy home from the hospital, has life felt like a whirring blend of diaper changes, midnight feedings, and occasional attempts to shower and clean house? As the weeks go by, and you find your rhythm as a new parent, there will be some important steps to take to care for your baby, including his or oral health. While it’s all-too-easy to overlook oral care, in those early days, there are many compelling reasons to make sure your child receives dental care, even as a baby.   (more…)

Healthy Tips That Can Help Young Smiles

Are your kids used to getting to eat whatever they want, particularly during busy school days? If so, they could actually be causing damage to their smiles. Too much sugar and a lack of nutrients, can contribute to dental problems like cavities. Acidic beverages can also be bad news for the smile’s health. Fortunately, with a little knowledge and self-control, your whole family can begin to make healthier choices for both your bodies and your smiles! (more…)

Be Careful Little Smiles What You Drink

Now that the school year has official begun, chances are your family is rushing from classes to extracurricular activities, and a host of other events that will keep you busy and out of the house during much of the day. But before you resort to lots of unhealthy options to keep your family fed, during these hectic fall months, remember the role your dietary choices play in both your overall wellbeing and your dental health! What you drink matters as much as what you eat, when it comes to your oral health, so be mindful of what your kids are drinking. (more…)

Protect Your Young Athlete’s Smile with Custom Dentistry

Do you have a burgeoning football, hockey or other athletic star on your hands who is about to start an action-packed season of practices, games and tournaments? If so, you may have already purchased all the athletic gear they will need to perform their best and make the team, but have you visited their pediatric dentist? Custom mouthguards are a great way to protect young smiles, and they can be particularly important for those kids who will be participating in full-contact sports like football, hockey, and many more. So make sure your kids are ready to score big on the field (or the rink), and to smile even bigger afterwards, with mouthguards carefully designed to protect their pearly whites! (more…)

Do Your Kids Need to Floss Everyday?

Getting your kids to keep up their dental hygiene routine can feel like a much bigger chore for you, as a parent, than it does even for them. It is a worthwhile effort, though, since daily dental care is key to helping to keep their smiles healthy and cavity-free. While daily tooth brushing is one important part dental care, flossing should also be part of their daily routine. That is because flossing helps remove even more bacteria than brushing alone. (more…)

Smile-Healthy Lunch Ideas Your Kids Will Love

Are you more excited than your kids, about them heading back to school soon? After a long, hot summer it can be fun for the whole family to have a change of pace, and to enjoy the cooler temperatures that are coming. With busy school days, though, comes lots of lunch packing. Before you become overwhelmed trying to come up with healthy options your kids will actually eat, and certainly before you resort to the convenience of overly salty and sweet pre-packaged snacks, consider these tips from your pediatric dentist. After all, you can help promote healthy bodies and smiles by packing your kids’ lunches with nutrient-rich foods! (more…)