Dental Sedation Helps Ease Your Child’s Anxiety

We sometimes encounter children with dental anxiety, who fear the dentist. With dental sedation, our team provides a solution to help them enter a calm and relaxed state, whether they need minor treatments or complex care, such as tooth extraction. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about the benefits of dental sedation.
Our Experience and Expertise
We have experience in helping children enjoy a positive experience at the office, and with helping children of all ages. Our team also includes trained anesthesiologists who are also members of the Pediatric Dental Anesthesia Associates, and are board-certified! Whenever we provide sedation, they will be on hand to monitor your child throughout the treatment, adjusting levels as needed.
When Kids Need a Calming Solution
Children may need a calming solution if they have dental anxiety and have a fear of the dentist. We understand their concerns are real and we won’t downplay them. Their anxiety levels will help us decide which option is best for you. This could also be used for kids undergoing more advanced treatments, such as a tooth extraction. We take your child’s age, weight, medical history, and of course, anxiety levels into account when selecting which option we will provide. This can also be helpful for kids with special needs that make undergoing treatment a difficult process. We want to ensure that regardless of the circumstances, your child can enjoy a positive and enjoyable visit to the dentist.
Dental Sedation
Our team could recommend one of three options. The most common is nitrous oxide, which is administered through a mask over the nose. The child inhales the gas and enters a calm state, but remains conscious and able to respond to the dentist. There is little to no memory afterward, and the effects wear off right away so some kids can even return to school.
Oral sedation is taken in a pill or liquid form prior to the procedure. Kids may need to avoid foods and drinks for a few hours leading up to the procedure, and the effects are more substantial, with little to no memory of the procedure afterward. Your child may feel a little groggy, so they likely won’t return to school.
IV is the deepest form available, and is administered intravenously for a very deep state of calm and relaxation. Again, your little one may feel a bit groggy afterward and need to return home. If you have any questions about our approach to sedation dentistry, then contact our team today to learn more.
Speak With Your Dallas, TX, Pediatric Dentist About Our Calming Solutions
If you would like to help your kids enjoy better oral health, or to schedule an appointment for a checkup and cleaning we invite you to contact your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, by calling (214) 321-4880.
filed under: Preventive Treatments