Your Questions About IV Sedation For Your Child

When you take a stroll through the dental sedation options that we offer for your child’s dental care, you may find yourself a little unsure about what to think of each type. Of course, your goal is for your child to have the most enjoyable, calm visit, so future care is seen in a positive light! What to do then, when you realize IV sedation is an option? Should this be your go-to since it’s the strongest? Is is suggested for particular use? Is it safe? Answers to common questions will help you gain an introductory understanding! Feel free to contact us to learn more!


Your Child’s Dental Care: The Speech Connection

It’s easy to forget about just how far-reaching the benefits of dental care can become for your child. If you were having even the slightest doubt about the worthwhileness of the effort you’ve been putting forth for your child’s preventive care, then we encourage you to think again! Your decision to protect that developing smile is extremely important. Did you ever stop to think about the way your son or daughter’s oral health impacts proper speech development? Consider some details regarding this connection. You’ll feel reassured that trips to the dentist are certainly as advantageous as you’d imagined!


Plan, Track, And Schedule Smile Care!

Do you have everything down to a science when it comes to your child’s smile care? How about your own? When you’re trying to run a tight ship but you discover that you sometimes drop the ball regarding all things related to smile health (and there are a lot of details to consider), it’s always easier to have some guidelines in place. Need a little help with all of that sorting out? Remember to plan, track, and schedule for a much easier daily and long-term experience.


Smile Care: Remind Your Kids To Ask Questions

How many questions do your children ask you every day? A lot? How many questions do they ask you about their oral health and smile care? If they aren’t usually very vocal about their smiles with you (or they become a bit shy with us during dental checkups), we advise you to encourage them to ask their questions. It’s a good habit to form, so they are always confident about caring for their teeth and gums and asking for help when they need it!


Now Offering White Zirconia Crowns!

Yes, you may know that it’s exciting that your children have access to white zirconia crowns for their smiles, should they need them! However, you may not be able to put your finger on the reasons why. Of course, if you are not highly informed regarding restorations like crowns (unless you’re a dentist, this is not exactly common knowledge), then you will want to gather up the initial details that will provide you with a solid education! As a result, if your little one (or teen) ever requires a crown, you can rest easy. Zirconia is here to save the day!


When To Expect Baby Teeth to Show Up

It’s an exciting time when an infant’s first tooth comes in. For most babies, teeth start to appear at about six months. A pediatric dentist might refer to this as a tooth eruption schedule, but don’t expect anything like a volcano. Tooth eruption refers to the approximate timetable of when baby teeth begin to appear (erupt) from the gums. When the first teeth appear (or by one year of age) it’s time to schedule with a pediatric dentist for your child’s first checkup. (more…)

Quiz Time: Xylitol

Xylitol pops up in the news every now and then. It is an additive that takes the place of sugar, making some things (chewing gum, for example) a bit less likely to harm teeth. Your pediatric dentist is always looking for ways to help keep young teeth healthy. Regular checkups and cleanings are one way to help prevent cavities. Helping your child learn proper brushing and flossing techniques is also helpful. And if your child enjoys the treat of chewing gum or candy on occasion, products with xylitol can help keep cavities at bay. (more…)