Why It’s Important To Monitor Brushing

Sometimes, your kids will say or do something that blows you away because they seem so mature! You may even find yourself calling a friend or family member to let them in on whatever just happened to cause you to think your little one is quickly approaching adulthood. While this is always a wonderful experience to have, it’s very important to remember that when it comes to dental hygiene, your kid is likely still very much a kid, so monitoring brushing sessions is essential. Why so? Well, consider some reasons that might sound very familiar.


3 Reasons Masking Problems Isn’t A Good Plan

Especially when you’re doing your best to keep your little ones smiling, unworried about their oral health, and then you’re also taking care of the endless list of tasks required of daily life (every single day), it’s often easy to sweep issues under the rug. One of the easiest ways to do this when it comes to smile concerns? Masking the problem, whether with pain relief, rationalization, or otherwise! Consider a few reasons why this isn’t your best plan (and call us immediately to schedule an appointment)!


Summer Is A Good Time For Dental Care

Is there dental care you’ve been meaning to take care of for your son or daughter’s smile but you haven’t gotten around to it yet? Perhaps you haven’t missed the mark just yet but you know you really need to get your little one’s next visit scheduled. Or, maybe we diagnosed your child with a cavity and you’ve got to schedule a dental filling very soon. Whatever the case, we encourage you to take our advice into consideration for this summer for healthy smiles all around!


Pops In The Park!

If you haven’t noticed (you probably have), the temperatures are heating up pretty quickly in our town. As a result, your desire to spend some time outdoors can cause you to hesitate. Fortunately, heading out to the park with your kids this weekend will sound much more inviting thanks to some cool treats at Pops In The Park!


Kids And Ice: Our Reminders

As summer approaches, you can almost hear the clinking of ice cubes in tall glasses of refreshing beverages. While relying on ice is an easy and calorie-free way to keep drinks cold, it might not be the type of thing you want your little ones getting their cute tiny fingers on. Why not? Well, ice presents an oral health hazard to everyone. Consider some reminders as they apply to your kids for some direction.


Fillings: 3 Easy Things To Tell Your Young Children

When your child needs a dental filling, you may immediately visualize yourself sitting in front of your adorable son or daughter, trying to say just the right thing. If you do, bringing your child in for a filling will be no big deal, the decay will be gone, and oral health will be restored. So, how to approach this situation, you wonder to yourself? Of course, you know better than we do how to communicate with your children. However, we just happen to have a few very helpful things you can add to your conversation to help you achieve your goal.


Toothpaste Time: Let’s Answer Those Questions!

As you may have noticed, it seems that there are new products for just about every facet of life that show up every single day. As a result, when you find yourself attempting to make a quick decision at the store, what should be an easy experience suddenly turns into a complicated and mind-boggling one. Have you dealt with this as you tried to select toothpaste for your child’s dental care? If so, don’t worry, it’s a common challenge! Fortunately, we can help by answering your questions.


Dental Sealants Q&A: What Now?

Once you provide your child with dental sealants, you breathe a huge sigh of relief. Those often difficult to thoroughly clean back chewing surfaces have a nice thin, plastic barrier over them to keep plaque and food particles out. This can greatly reduce your stress related to the potential for your child to experience tooth decay and the need for fillings! Then again, you may find that while this particular strain of stress melts away, another one crops up: You wonder what happens now. The sealants are in place, so … now what? We can answer those pressing inquiries with some helpful responses.


Too Cool For The Pool: Safeguard Those Smiles!

Are your kids greatly anticipating the end of school and all that time they will get to spend splish-splashing in the pool this summer? Are you equally excited and a bit nervous as usual because as much fun as it is … the pool also presents a myriad of potential hazards that can lead to injuries? We understand. To help you relax, soak up the summertime fun, and keep your kids’ smiles safe, we offer some helpful tips that will safeguard your children’s oral health.


Is Your Child Receiving Enough Calcium?

As you know, calcium is essential for children, teens, and adults! Translation: Everyone needs it! While you may have a solid grasp on catering to your own needs for getting enough of this mineral that will keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy, that doesn’t mean you feel completely confident about providing it successfully to your little ones. Don’t worry. This is a common oral health worry and something we can quickly help you resolve.
