Kids’ Cavities: 3 Things You Should Never Do

We know that you may be getting very good at coming up with surprising parent solutions that you can’t imagine having conjured up before your little ones were born! In some cases, your ingenuity will serve you well. However, when it comes to addressing problems like your kid’s cavity, you’re going to want to steer clear of what seems like a brilliant home remedy or DIY idea and, instead, come straight to our practice.


FAQs: Answers To Your Crown Questions

We know that if your child needs a dental crown and this is new to you, your list of questions might be a long one! Regardless of the length, you will most certainly be looking for some immediate answers. Of course, we will be pleased to provide you with thorough explanations when we see you. For now, we’d love to set your mind at ease with the help of an FAQs session that includes questions often mentioned by parents just like you.


Why Provide Decay With Immediate Treatment?

We know that your life is a busy one and that checking every last task off of your list means you have to push certain chores up to the top of that list, while others fail to register as priorities. When it comes to scheduling a dental filling for your child’s tooth decay, we urge you to ensure this event holds the number one spot on your daily schedule until it’s complete! Why is it so important to treat decay immediately, you wonder? Consider some compelling reasons to act quickly, so you may protect your little one’s smile.


When Your Kid Needs A Root Canal Treatment

There’s a good way and a not-so-great way to approach your child’s root canal treatment. First, you can think of it as a negative thing that you should feel bad about. Or, you can look at it as a wonderful, convenient way to rescue your child’s tooth that has become severely decayed or damaged. We, of course, encourage you to lean toward the latter. When you adopt an optimistic outlook, it makes it much easier on you and your child. Ready for some specific suggestions that can help immensely? We’ve got them!


Fillings: 3 Easy Things To Tell Your Young Children

When your child needs a dental filling, you may immediately visualize yourself sitting in front of your adorable son or daughter, trying to say just the right thing. If you do, bringing your child in for a filling will be no big deal, the decay will be gone, and oral health will be restored. So, how to approach this situation, you wonder to yourself? Of course, you know better than we do how to communicate with your children. However, we just happen to have a few very helpful things you can add to your conversation to help you achieve your goal.


Are Dental Fillings Safe for Children?

Every child’s smile is worth preserving, but no matter how well you teach your children to take care of their teeth, they may still likely develop a cavity at some point. Fortunately, today’s dental fillings are safe and effective even for children. Made from biocompatible resin, tooth-colored fillings are also highly discreet so your child can continue to smile confidently. (more…)

How Do I Know If I My Kid Has a Dental Cavity? Part One

As a parent, you hate to see your kid in pain, particularly when it is preventable. Sadly, many kids will be diagnosed with dental cavities, which can create sensitivity, discomfort, and even painful tooth infections. In fact, cavities are the most common disease faced by kids in America. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 40 percent of kids between the ages of two and 11 will been diagnosed with cavities in their “baby teeth,” and 20 percent of kids between 6 and 11-years-old will be diagnosed with cavities in permanent teeth. Decay can lead to lifelong struggles with poor dental health. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to help better protect your children from dental cavities. That said, if your kid is diagnosed with tooth decay, there are ways to help restore his or her comfort, quickly, so you can both get back to smiling, soon. (more…)

Does Your Child Need Treatment for a Cavity?

Have you noticed your kid exhibiting strange eating habits, recently? For example, is your son who normally begs for second helpings of dessert, suddenly saying “No thanks” to anything remotely sweet? Does your daughter complain of sensitivity or pain when trying to take a sip of iced cold water or a bite from a popsicle? If so, these could be warning signs of dental cavities. Almost one third of the school-aged kids in America are likely to struggle with dental decay. If you suspect your child could be one of them, it’s time to talk to their restorative dentist about how restorative treatment, like dental fillings, could help! (more…)

Does Your Child Need Treatment for A Dental Cavity?

Wondering if there is any way to help your kids avoid the need for dental fillings? Many parents don’t realize how susceptible children are to dental caries, or as they’re more commonly called cavities. That is, until it is already too late to prevent them. For years, this meant that even young children often required dental fillings to help address decay and to prevent infection. Fortunately, recent studies are showing that there is now a helpful alternative to traditional fillings, which can be particularly beneficial for children. The substance is called silver diamine fluoride (SDF), and it is a liquid that is being used to help stop tooth decay and to protect teeth, while also helping to minimize tooth sensitivity. (more…)