Shop for a Good Cause This Weekend in Dallas

Are you looking to get a jumpstart on your Christmas shopping, while also supporting a good cause? If so, you may want to check out the CHOOZE shopping party, “Shop for a Cause,” taking place from Friday, November 18 through Sunday, November 20, 2016. During this event 10 percent of the proceeds will go to The Birthday Party Project, an organization that focuses on providing kids in need with opportunities to celebrate their birthdays in meaningful and memorable ways. CHOOZE will also be using this event to celebration its fifth anniversary, and the launch of its latest colorful, quirky product line. (more…)

What Is The Purpose Of Baby Teeth?

Many animals are born with one set of teeth and as they lose one tooth another erupts to fill the space. Humans, on the other hand, are born with baby teeth which are then lost and replaced with permanent teeth. Once we have our permanent teeth we must take very good care of them, because if we lose them, that’s it. There are no other teeth left to replace them. But, what is the purpose of baby teeth?


Simple Tips for Healthy Baby Teeth

Do you want to do all you can to help ensure that your children’s teeth remain strong and healthy as they grow? Great parents, of course, care about keeping their kids healthy. Unfortunately, it is sometimes easy to overlook caring for kids’ smiles, particularly since their baby teeth will eventually fall out, anyways. Right? If you have found yourself wondering why baby teeth are so important, or even how to care for them, it can be helpful to understand the function they play, and that they require the same kind of diligent care adult teeth need. That way you can help your kids care for their smiles, now and as they grow. (more…)

Does Your Child Need a Dental Filling?

Has your generally easygoing son or daughter recently become extra fussy around dinnertime? In fact, during any meals does he or she complain, lately, about not enjoying the food, even when the fare is his or her favorite? Complaints related to tooth sensitivity or even discomfort while chewing, are actually common warning signs of dental decay, a condition that affects approximately 30 percent of school-aged children. Fortunately, a pediatric dentist can help your child rebound from dental caries, or cavities as they are more commonly called, so that you and him or her can start enjoying family time, and your meals together, once again. (more…)

Have a Great Time Learning at the Dallas Zoo

Are you constantly on the lookout for educational adventures you can have with your kids? Whether you homeschool your kids, or simply seek to expose them to educational experiences outside of their usual learning environment, have you checked out S.A.F.E. Superheroes at the Dallas Zoo? Beyond seeing and learning about the animals, this exhibit also helps to teach kids (and adults, alike) about how zoos like the Dallas Zoo are actually helping by “Saving Animals From Extinction.” Every month, the zoo hosts this adventure, which includes a variety of guided stations that help educate guests about the importance of caring for our planet’s animals. (more…)

What’s The Big Deal About Baby Teeth?

Did you know the technical term for baby teeth is “deciduous teeth?” Whatever you call them, though, do you ever find yourself feeling curious what function these baby teeth really serve? In fact, do you sometimes wonder if caring for baby teeth is actually all that important? Few people understand why baby teeth exist. If they did, they might be more diligent in making sure their children are taking great care of their smiles. That’s because baby teeth are actually an important part of the smile’s development. (more…)

Are Your Kids Really Caring for Their Teeth?

Most parents are familiar with the toothbrush test. For many, it serves as a quick check to make sure that their kids are actually brushing their teeth. Unfortunately, this is not enough to accurately determine whether kids are caring for their teeth properly. It can’t always even determine if kids are brushing their teeth or simply wetting their toothbrushes (as they can be prone to do). If you really want to make sure your kids’ smiles are getting the preventive care they need to stay healthy over time, it is important to combine excellent dental hygiene, at-home, with professional care from a pediatric dentist. (more…)

Are You a Good Dental Role Model?

As a parent, you likely already know that your kids are watching and often emulating all that you do. This can be great, when you are setting a good example, such as eating all your vegetables, or reading a book before bed. It can also be a little frightening, like if a PG13-rated word slips out during traffic or you think you’re sneakily stealing a cookie before dinner. To help make sure you’re setting a good dental health example, it is important to make sure that you follow your own dentist’s advice. (more…)

Enjoy High-flying Fun at the Trinity River Wind Festival This Weekend

Were you hoping to make some fun, albeit last-minute plans for your family this weekend? If so, have you considered a departure from the usual Halloween-themed activities that dominate this time of year, in order to check out the 2016 Trinity River Wind Festival, an exciting display of kites and other wind-worthy attractions that will be in Dallas beginning at 11 a.m. on Saturday, October 29, 2016? This annual event is sure to be a hit with the whole family, so make plans now to head out to witness the flights of fancy, so to speak, that will be featured throughout the day! (more…)

Is Dental Care Really That Important for Kids?

Are you sometimes tempted to let your kids ignore their dental hygiene, at least sometimes, because they’re “just their baby teeth, anyways?” It is understandable to want a break from constantly monitoring your kids’ dental practices. Unfortunately this can lead to problems down the road, not to mention it may set them up for a lifetime of lax dental hygiene, which will have increasing consequences as they age. So, while it might not seem fun, or some days even worthwhile, teaching your kids to properly care for their teeth, if you want them to keep showing off those smiles you love so much, it is important that they take great care of both their teeth and their gums, from a young age and beyond.
