Three Warning Signs Your Kid Has a Cavity

It can sometimes be quite difficult for parents to determine if their kids are struggling with dental problems, the most common of which is cavities. Unfortunately, this means that kids are likely to struggle with dental decay for some time, before they are taken to the dentist for restorative treatment. If you want to make sure your kids maintain healthy and cavity-free smiles, there are a few warning signs you should be aware of, that way you can make sure your kids get the care they need, should they find themselves struggling with dental cavities. (more…)

Are You Setting a Good Dental Example?

Do you ever worry that your kids are picking up bad habits from you? Whether it is an over dependence on sweetened sodas or other habits that may someday affect your kids’ own health, most parents realize that one of the best ways to teach their kids to take great care of themselves, is by setting a good example in how they treat their own bodies, and their smiles. Sadly, many parents don’t follow through on the same dental care they try to teach their kids. If you truly want to set a great example for your kids, don’t forget to care for your teeth and gums the way the pediatric dentist ordered. (more…)

Be Careful Little Smiles What You Drink

Now that the school year has official begun, chances are your family is rushing from classes to extracurricular activities, and a host of other events that will keep you busy and out of the house during much of the day. But before you resort to lots of unhealthy options to keep your family fed, during these hectic fall months, remember the role your dietary choices play in both your overall wellbeing and your dental health! What you drink matters as much as what you eat, when it comes to your oral health, so be mindful of what your kids are drinking. (more…)

Does Your Child Need Restorative Dentistry?

No parent wants to see his or her child get hurt. Unfortunately, children are not immune to dental problems anymore than they are other types of injury. It is important, then, to make sure your kids know how to take great care of their teeth, but also to inform you when they notice changes that could indicate a problem. By catching dental issues, like cavities, early on, it is far more likely that a minimally invasive form of restorative dentistry could help save the tooth. So teach your kids to pay attention to their smiles, and to speak up if they suspect they could have a dental issue. (more…)

Protect Your Young Athlete’s Smile with Custom Dentistry

Do you have a burgeoning football, hockey or other athletic star on your hands who is about to start an action-packed season of practices, games and tournaments? If so, you may have already purchased all the athletic gear they will need to perform their best and make the team, but have you visited their pediatric dentist? Custom mouthguards are a great way to protect young smiles, and they can be particularly important for those kids who will be participating in full-contact sports like football, hockey, and many more. So make sure your kids are ready to score big on the field (or the rink), and to smile even bigger afterwards, with mouthguards carefully designed to protect their pearly whites! (more…)

Three Things that Can Be Bad for Your Kids’ Dental Health

Every parent wants to see his or her kids grow up healthy and strong. Unfortunately, when it comes to children’s dental health, many parents don’t know about the many potential threats their smiles will face on a daily basis. In fact, they may actually be serving them foods that could be bad for their teeth. If you want to avoid chips, cracks and cavities, here are a few foods that have no business in your kids’ diet, and a few others that should be used sparingly and thoughtfully, in order to protect their oral health. (more…)

Use Your Imaginations at the C.R. Smith Museum!

Are you looking for a fun way to encourage your children’s imagination, this fall? If so, why not make time to visit the Tinkertoy – Build Your Imagination exhibit, which is part of an ongoing event at the C.R. Smith Museum in Fort Worth. The museum celebrates the aviation history in America, while this exhibit in particular is designed to be both educational and fun, while helping children learn through open-ended play, particularly construction techniques using the classic toy by Playskool, Tinkertoys! The exhibit ends soon, on September 10, 2016, so hurry out to enjoy this family-friendly event! (more…)

Warnings Your Kids Might Need Restorative Dentistry

Maintaining good dental health is important to children of all ages. Unfortunately, as a parent, it can be difficult knowing when your child might require restorative dentistry. Many kids don’t know when they are suffering from symptoms of cavities and other dental problems. Others may resist informing their parents of potential problems, either out of anxiety about visiting the dentist, or just a misunderstanding of how important restorative action can be for one’s smile. To help ensure they are getting the treatment they need, when they do suffer from oral health threats, it is wise to inform your kids about the role restorative dentistry plays in maintaining healthy and beautiful smiles. (more…)

Pokemon GO Is Coming to Town!

Are your kids obsessed with Pokemon Go? In fact, are you equally interested in this game that has swept the world? If so, don’t miss out on a chance to support a good cause while trying to catch them all. The Pokemon GO Benefit Festival is being hosted by Pogue Entertainment Group and Studio 7. It will take place from 5 to 9 p.m. on August 28, 2016, in Addison. This event will feature food trucks, live entertainment, and guests are encouraged to dress up as their favorite characters, as well. There will also be raffles for Pokemon GO merchandise, game coins and much more! The evening will be both kid and dog friendly, so grab the whole family, and your phones of course, for this Pokemon-centric outing. (more…)

Do Your Kids Need to Floss Everyday?

Getting your kids to keep up their dental hygiene routine can feel like a much bigger chore for you, as a parent, than it does even for them. It is a worthwhile effort, though, since daily dental care is key to helping to keep their smiles healthy and cavity-free. While daily tooth brushing is one important part dental care, flossing should also be part of their daily routine. That is because flossing helps remove even more bacteria than brushing alone. (more…)