Enjoy Colorful Fun During Dallas Arts Month!

Living in the Dallas-Forth Worth metroplex is not without its perks, and for decades the vibrant art scene in Dallas has been a particularly fun source of pride for the city. That’s precisely why Dallas has been celebrating a citywide Art Week since 2013, but this year Mayor Mike Rawlings officially increased the event to a full month. This year, all of April has been dubbed Dallas Arts Month, meaning there has never been a better time to take advantage of the many wonderful museums, theatres, galleries and concert venues throughout the city! (more…)

How Often Do Kids Need to See the Dentist?

Being a parent is no easy task. You will spend years taking care of your kids while also trying to teach them to care for themselves. It can be tricky trying to balance these two important jobs. Fortunately, when it comes to dental care, your pediatric dentist can help! Not only can dentists teach your kids healthy habits that will protect their teeth and gums, at-home; they are also there to clean those precious teeth before problems can arise. If you really want to protect your kids’ smiles effectively, make sure they are seeing the dentist regularly for key preventive care and a great dental education.


What Snacks Are Best for Your Kids’ Smiles?

Want to help your kids stay healthy this year? If so, you may have already taken several steps to better protect their bodies and their smiles. Good dental hygiene is essential for oral health, of course. Yet if your kids are regularly consuming too much sugar, they are still likely to struggle with dental decay. Fortunately, you can help your kids develop healthy habits, and protect those precious pearly whites by giving them healthy foods for meals and snacks. Best of all, many are delicious and both kid and pediatric dentist-approved! (more…)

3 Tips for Effective Cavity Prevention

Cavities are one of the biggest threats to children’s smiles, but the good news is that there are several simple and effective ways to prevent them. By teaching your children how to take excellent care of their smiles, you can give them the tools they need to improve their chances never having to deal with a cavity. One of the most important tips for effective cavity prevention is to make your children’s dentist an important partner in the process by bringing your child in for regular dental visits. (more…)

What Kind of Fun Can Your Family Enjoy Over Spring Break?

Will the kids be home from school for a week of spring break, soon? If so, are you feeling a bit worried about your family coming down with a bad case of cabin fever? Well fret not; there is plenty to do in the Dallas area! That means you can keep your kids busy, and more importantly happy, during their brief hiatus from school. Best of all, there are plenty of affordable and education options, that can make the week fun for all, without making too much of a dent on your wallet. (more…)

Could an App Actually Help Protect Your Kids’ Smiles?

Over the last several years there has been a disturbing rise in childhood tooth decay, and that has troubled more than just the kids suffering from cavities. Pediatric dentists and educators have also taken notice. Fortunately, some have been inspired to think out of the box when it comes to inspiring kids to take better care of their smiles. In that spirit, one pediatric dentist in particular, Dr. Diane Buyer, actually developed an app that teaches kids about the beverages most likely to lead to tooth decay, as well as the ways they can help to prevent dental damage! (more…)

Can I Help My Kids Prevent Cavities?

As a parent, it’s your job to help protect your kids, and to teach them the skills they’ll need to grow up healthy, and hopefully happy, as well. That said, some parts of your job are likely a lot easier than others. What kid doesn’t love going to the park for some exercise, or being read a favorite book at night, for instance? On the other hand, many kids will argue against being told to eat their vegetables, or even to put on their pajamas. When it comes to protecting your kids’ smiles, the great news is that thorough preventive care doesn’t have to be complicated, or even feel like a constant fight. Your pediatric dentist actually has some simple ways to help protect those precious smiles! (more…)

Healthy Snack Ideas In Honor of National Nutrition Month!

Kids may not always want to eat their veggies, particularly if they’re not deep fried or nearly drowning in salt or sugar. Still, there are many compelling reasons to help your kids develop healthy eating habits, one of which is their smiles. A healthy diet helps to give your kids the fuel they need to grow up strong, healthy and with lots of energy. March just so happens to be a great month to make a renewed effort to help your whole family eat healthier, too, in honor of National Nutrition Month. Fortunately, there are a lot of healthy snack ideas your kids are likely to love! (more…)

Enjoy Beautiful Blooms and Family Fun at the Dallas Arboretum

The official start of spring is just around the corner now, and that means there is already a lot to see at the Dallas Arboretum, in particular the annual show, Dallas Blooms, which is actually the biggest floral estival in the entire Southwest! This event kicked off February 25 and will run through April 9, 2017. This year’s theme is called, “Flower Power,” and it includes incredible topiaries that have been designed right on top of a vintage Volkswagen van and car, sure to impress both flower fans and VW loyalists. This is, of course, in addition to the thousands of perennials and other blooms that are in season, now. (more…)

Are You Setting a Good Dental Example?

As a parent, you may have learned the hard way that your kids are likely watching your every move. In fact, it could be why you started watching what you say when you inevitably stub a toe, and also why you stopped having French fries as an afternoon snack. When it comes to setting a good oral health example, though, how are you really doing? There are several simple habits you should develop to protect your own smile. Fortunately, these can also help to create a good oral care example for your kids! (more…)