Dental Sealants Q&A: What Now?

Once you provide your child with dental sealants, you breathe a huge sigh of relief. Those often difficult to thoroughly clean back chewing surfaces have a nice thin, plastic barrier over them to keep plaque and food particles out. This can greatly reduce your stress related to the potential for your child to experience tooth decay and the need for fillings! Then again, you may find that while this particular strain of stress melts away, another one crops up: You wonder what happens now. The sealants are in place, so … now what? We can answer those pressing inquiries with some helpful responses.


Too Cool For The Pool: Safeguard Those Smiles!

Are your kids greatly anticipating the end of school and all that time they will get to spend splish-splashing in the pool this summer? Are you equally excited and a bit nervous as usual because as much fun as it is … the pool also presents a myriad of potential hazards that can lead to injuries? We understand. To help you relax, soak up the summertime fun, and keep your kids’ smiles safe, we offer some helpful tips that will safeguard your children’s oral health.


Is Your Child Receiving Enough Calcium?

As you know, calcium is essential for children, teens, and adults! Translation: Everyone needs it! While you may have a solid grasp on catering to your own needs for getting enough of this mineral that will keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy, that doesn’t mean you feel completely confident about providing it successfully to your little ones. Don’t worry. This is a common oral health worry and something we can quickly help you resolve.


Time And Frequency: Children’s Dentistry Questions

If it’s one thing that you often feel like you don’t have a whole lot of, it’s time! As a result, the passing of seconds, minutes, hours, and more is likely something that is consistently on your mind. You know just what time to pick the kids up from school, you have birthdays and appointments marked on your calendar and in your planner, and you’ve got the frequency of piano and dance lessons memorized. It’s a lot to take in! As a result, you may find yourself focused on time-related children’s dentistry questions only to realize you’re not really sure what the answers are. Not to worry! We can help.


BugFest ‘17

If your kids are into bugs right now and you’re the type of parent who doesn’t run screaming when a bee shows up on the scene, then this just might be the weekend event for you and your family! Find out more about BugFest ‘17 and you will discover that there’s more to these creatures than meets the eye!


Are You Ready For A Dental Emergency?

We know that the very last thing you ever want to think about is your child experiencing a dental emergency. However, the one thing worse than this occurrence is feeling completely unprepared to handle it should it happen to you and your child. The good news here is that getting ready ahead of time (it’s better to be safe than sorry, of course) is very simple. We offer advice that can ensure if the day arrives, you’ll know just how to proceed.


Dental Hygiene: Remember These Important Teaching Tips

Some days you love it, some days you don’t like it, but every day you live it: You are the one teaching your child optimal brushing skills! Since providing your children with the best approach possible to dental hygiene is in your hands, you just might appreciate our suggestions to help you feel like your strategy as a teacher is going to pay off. Keep a few tips in mind and you’ll find that getting those oral health habits to work (and to stick) is absolutely possible.


Best Practices For Your Kid’s Toothbrush

As you help your little ones learn how to brush properly (and you do your best to keep a smile on everyone’s faces during the process), you put a lot of energy into the brushing itself. As a result, you may overlook the fact that successful dental hygiene relies on the way you care for your oral health products, too. While we certainly offer you our admiration and applause for the time and effort you are already putting into your kiddo’s smile, we have some tips for you to consider for an even more successful experience.


Why Are My Kids’ Teeth Bumpy?

When you take at look at your children’s front teeth and then at your own, do you wonder why their permanent teeth display bumps, while yours have flat chewing edges? Before you become too concerned about your child’s dental health, first know that there is nothing unusual about this. It is a completely normal anatomical trait that displays the way your son or daughter’s teeth form. As for some specifics, we are happy to offer details.
