A Few Changes That Require A Dental Visit

There are some changes that might occur with your child’s smile or dental hygiene routine that aren’t really cause for concern. Things like your child’s first loose tooth, a sudden preference of one particular toothpaste flavor over another, and other shifts are just a natural part of being a kid! However, there are other changes that you might notice that will call for a dental visit with our Dallas, TX practice, just as soon as you can schedule one, to ensure all is well with your child’s oral health. Remember, it’s always better to make sure things are just fine than to hope and leave your little one’s oral health open to possible damage. See us soon!


How Good Chewing Manners Promote Oral Health!

Of course, you would love for your children to be the picture of mealtime etiquette! With that said, while guiding your childredn toward good chewing manners (and table manners) in general is certainly a polite thing to do, remember that it’s often also very beneficial for their oral health! To help you feel even more motivated about encouraging kiddos to use a fork and knife, and more, our Dallas, TX team has some interesting tidbits to share with you!


Girls In Aviation Day 2019

Calling all girls interested in aviation! Do you happen to have a daughter, niece, cousin, or otherwise who loves to talk about a future in flying? If this individual always has her thoughts literally in the clouds, then don’t forget about the upcoming Girls In Aviation Day 2019 in our Dallas, TX community. It provides nearly everything that can offer a young, future pilot the information she needs to take off in the right direction!


Your Child’s Tooth Decay: Questions You Really Want Answered

There may be some tooth decay questions you would really love to bring up, when you come in for your child’s dental visits with our Dallas, TX team! However, that doesn’t always mean that you have done so! You may feel a little silly about some of your questions (as though you should already know the answers), embarrassed that a cavity has managed to form, etc. Of course, we empathize but also remind you that caring for your smile and now, the smile of your child, is an ever-evolving experience. Fortunately, the more you learn, the easier and more successful that journey becomes! So, always ask about what’s on your mind. For now, let’s cover frequent areas of uncertainty.


Event: Magic And Comedy With Mike Williams 

When you start sorting through the types of entertainment that put a huge smile on your face, get some belly laughs, and do the same for your kids, what do you come up with? If your answer included comedy and magic, then boy are you in for a family-fun-time treat! The upcoming Magic and Comedy with Mike Williams event is headed our way in our Dallas, TX community! If you haven’t heard of this yet, now is the time to learn more and to get your tickets quick!


I Can’t Stop Worrying About My Child’s Smile! 

It’s completely understandable. You’ve watched your child grow and develop and you’ve been monitoring those lovely teeth since the very first one arrived! If you tend to be someone who is prone to worry, then worrying about your child’s smile is not out of the ordinary. However, it’s probably exhausting and you are likely well aware that the stress is not doing you any good. What you want is to feel you’re protecting your child’s oral health but while you get to do so with a relaxed, confident, if not enjoyable approach! Is there anything you can do, you wonder? Of course, our Dallas, TX team works with parents every day and we have some simple but very effective suggestions that should help.


Smile Protection: Things You Shouldn’t Encourage

Of course, there are the obvious things you should absolutely encourage in terms of your child’s smile health! Keeping a scheduled routine for dental hygiene is wonderful, encouraging kids to participate in selecting dental care products for themselves is a good thing, and promoting the decision to eat good-for-your-teeth snacks and meals is smart! With that said, there may be some little issues that can prove dangerous for your child’s oral health that are actually fairly easy to overlook! Our Dallas, TX team is here to make sure you know just what they are, so you can continue on with your solid approach to smile protection!


Dallas Chocolate Festival 2019

If you and your family members have quite a love of all things cocoa-related, then this upcoming event is something you will all find yourselves over-the-moon excited to attend! It’s the Dallas Chocolate Festival 2019, which means it’s time to get your toothbrushes and toothpaste ready! This indulgent, mouth-watering experience in our Dallas, TX community is one experience that you (and your sweet tooth) will not soon forget!


Gum Changes And Why You Should Never Ignore Them

Seeing a quick flash of your child’s smile and recognizing that something has changed with your kiddo’s gums can be a bit shocking. It can also leave you feeling unsure about how to proceed. Should you just monitor the situation, continuing with daily dental care, as you see whether things get better or stay the same (or worsen)? Or, is this one of those moments when you should call our Dallas, TX team to set up a dental checkup just to be on the safe side? Of course, we suggest the latter. Remember that any shift in the appearance of your child’s gums could mean a gum health issue and is always worth investigating. Come in for care soon!
