If Your Child Has a Dental Emergency, Don’t Panic!

No matter how much work you put into teaching your child good dental hygiene and preventive care practices, you can’t predict when an emergency may occur. For children especially, dental emergencies can be very disconcerting. On top of the discomfort your child may feel, the surprise of it can add to their anxiety and make the situation much more stressful. Fortunately, helping your child get through a dental emergency is easier if you don’t panic, and know what steps to take next. (more…)

Does Your Child Need Emergency Dental Care?

Getting your child accustomed to visiting the dentist regularly was probably quite the challenge. Young children are often nervous or anxious about their visits until they get used to the environment. This is essential in making routine dental care an important part of their dental health. If a dental emergency occurs, that familiarity will also help us address the emergency and restore and preserve your child’s smile faster and more successfully.  Today, we examine a few things to remember if your child needs emergency dental care, including what specific types of situations are most frequently considered emergencies. (more…)

When Your Child Has a Dental Emergency

You put a lot of prep work into teaching your child to practice good dental hygiene and visit the dentist on a regular basis. Therefore, it can be alarming when an emergency situation arises that can instantly threaten your child’s smile. Fortunately, you and your child don’t have to face the emergency alone. At our Dallas, TX, children’s dental office, we have extensive experience helping young patients make it through most dental emergency situations and preserve the health and integrity of their smiles. (more…)

Playground Hazards: Helpful Tips To Share

Of course, your kids go wild over the chance to enjoy the playground or anything that could be considered a playground-related activity, piece of equipment, or fun backyard toy. You love that they enjoy playing outdoors and doing physical things, as they use their imaginations! However, what you don’t love is that it seems as though just about everything comes with some sort of oral health hazard attached to it. While this is, of course, something that parents simply learn to manage, our Dallas, TX team is happy to remind you that we have helpful tips to keep kids having fun but with a bit of extra safety in mind!


Your Kids’ Smiles: Things That Don’t Need To Embarrass You

You might find yourself feeling the pangs of embarrassment as you scoop your kiddo up for a visit to our practice. We know, of course, that from your perspective, it’s you as the parent as you guide your child through smile care and everything else! You’re not experiencing parenting as a collective group with all other parents out there. However, from our perspective at our Dallas, TX practice, we are seeing parenting as a bigger picture. We see parents and their children every single day! As a result, we like to remind you individually that though you may really not want to have to come in for a visit, it’s definitely not “just you.”


Smile Health Mishaps: Seeing The Silver Lining!

While it may not feel like it in the moment, our Dallas, TX team reminds you that every dental-related rain cloud has a silver lining! Though it’s quite easy to get caught up in the excitement and upset that may accompany moments in which your child needs urgent care or when you feel disappointed in particular smile health news, we remind you: We offer pediatric dental care for just about anything that comes up! So, when you need us, remember that we are here (and things are going to be just fine!). Just give us a call when you need a visit.


More Springtime Fun: Mouthguard Reminders!

We have been reminding you that as the weather warms up and spring quickly approaches, it’s a good idea to make sure your kids are getting enough water. However, there’s something else to throw into the mix when you’re focused on protecting your children’s oral health during this much more active time of year: If your kiddos play sports of any kind, a mouthguard is an exceptionally good idea to keep their smiles safe. Gather more facts from our Dallas, TX team!


What If My Child Has a Toothache?

Toothaches can be scary even for adults, but for young children, it can be significantly more so. If the pain is severe, it can also be highly distressing, which makes seeking professional treatment for the condition even more important. At our Dallas, TX, dental office, helping children treat and recover from toothaches is an important of our children’s dentistry services. That’s because the pain often indicates an underlying problem that could affect your child’s oral health for years to come if not addressed. (more…)

Wishing You And Yours A Very Happy Thanksgiving!

To begin, we would like to extend our wishes to you and your family for a warm and cozy, extremely happy Thanksgiving! This time of year is particularly fun and festive and from our Dallas, TX team to your little crew, we hope your celebration is a lovely one! Now, as for what we do best, we’d like to spend just a quick moment of your time offering a helpful reminder for your holiday meal, in addition to a couple more holiday-related tips! Keep in mind, during the holidays, after them, and all year long, keeping your child’s oral health safe (and yours too) is easy as (pumpkin) pie!
