Ensuring Your Child Is Ready For An Emergency Visit

When your child sustains an injury to the tooth, or develops aches due to cavities or infection, then they may benefit from emergency treatment. In today’s blog, we’re looking at not only how we treat common dental emergencies, but what you can do to help prepare your kids for an emergency visit with their Dallas, TX, dentist.

Common Emergency Situations

Common examples of dental emergencies include teeth that have been chipped, cracked, or knocked loose or out due to injury. Pain and sensitivity as a result of a cavity is also cause for concern, as is a loose or lost filling or crown. When these issues occur, give us a call to schedule a visit as soon as possible. Addressing these injuries quickly not only prevents discomfort, but also lowers the overall risk of complications, like infection or even tooth loss.

Helping Your Child Prepare

First, identify the cause of the pain. If a tooth is chipped, then try to pick up any pieces you can recover and bring them with you in a sealed container. If a tooth is knocked lose completely, then rinse it gently under lukewarm water and bring it to the office in a sealed container of milk or salt water. If an object is lodged between the teeth and causing discomfort, try once to remove it with dental floss. If this fails, bring them in for treatment and avoid repeated attempts, as you could cause injury.

Should your child experience bleeding, be sure you stem the area with cloth or gauze, applying gentle pressure. If there is pain or swelling, a cold pack could help reduce the swelling, and an over-the-counter pain reliever could ease discomfort.

When preparing to come to the office, feel free to let your child bring a pillow, blanket, or even a stuffed animal that brings him or her comfort.

Possible Treatment Options

Often, we repair teeth with composite resin, a metal-free material used in our tooth-colored dental fillings. The material offers a lifelike repair in only one visit. For more substantial damage, we can recommend dental crowns as well. The treatments we prescribe will be designed to address any damage, prevent further discomfort, and protect the smile from complications that would otherwise arise if the issue was left untreated. If you have any questions about our approach to children’s emergency dental care, then please contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Dental Emergency Care?

When your child suffers a dental emergency, our team is ready to offer treatment with compassion and advanced, lifelike restorations. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call Pediatric Dental Care at Casa Linda in Dallas, TX today at 214-321-4880. We proudly serve patients who live around Casa Linda and all surrounding Dallas communities.

filed under: Dental Emergencies