Does Your Child Need Restorative Dentistry? Part One

Has your son recently begun complaining about tooth pain? Does your daughter whine, while brushing her teeth, that it hurts to do so? Did you notice your son threw away most of his last ice cream cone, even though the flavor is his favorite? Have you seen your daughter holding the side of her mouth, as if in pain? If so, your child might very well need restorative dentistry. In fact, these are just a few of the potential warning signs that it is time for a child to see a restorative dentist. While it can often be difficult for a parent to know whether his or her child’s smile is healthy or not, it is possible to watch for warning signs. That way prompt treatment can be performed, if there is a burgeoning dental issue. (more…)

Be Your Child’s Healthy-Smile Role Model

If asked how to ensure your child’s good oral health for years to come, most parents would answer that teaching children to care for their teeth properly is the most effective method. These parents would be correct, yet if that was their only solution, then they would be neglecting an important part of their child’s development.

Good oral health, like most of the life lessons that we teach our children, is best taught by example. So, today, we explore how to care for your child’s teeth, and observe how a parent’s example can influence a child’s oral health well beyond their earliest years. (more…)

Worried About Your Kids’ Smiles? Teach Them Great Dental Care

Do you feel like it’s an almost daily struggle to get your kids to take proper care of their teeth? If so, you are not alone. Many parents get frustrated while trying to teach their kids proper oral hygiene, which could explain the troubling statistics surrounding children oral health in this country. According to the National Children’s Oral Health Foundation, 17 percent of American children are not receiving the oral care they need. So, while it may not always feel fun, it is important to teach your kids to care for their smiles from a young age, so they can enjoy healthy smiles as they grow!


Does Your Does Your Child Need Emergency Dentistry? Part One

Emergency situations are never fun, particularly as a parent. It’s hard to see your child suffering, regardless of the cause or situation. Fortunately when it comes to dental emergencies, there are often some simple steps you can take to help care for your child and keep him or her calm. You can also increase the likelihood of a positive dental visit, by simply knowing what to do in case of a dental emergency. While you should certainly call 9-1-1 for extremely serious or threatening medical situations, many dental problems can be best addressed by an emergency visit to the pediatric dentist.


Keep Those Precious Smiles Healthy with Preventive Care

You probably fell in love with your kids’ smile the first time they made a toothless grin, and you have likely loved seeing every new development since. As teeth come in and fall out, you only love those precious smiles more. So of course you want to make sure that your kids have healthy teeth and gums as they grow up! Fortunately, preventive dental care is simpler than many parents think. With some diligence, you can teach your kids how to best care for their smiles at home, and that dental checkups are an essential part of maintaining great oral health. That way they can spend their lives showing off those same great smiles you have always loved! (more…)

Avoid Cavities This Year with Simple Preventive Care: Part One

Want to know how to help your kids avoid cavities this year? If so, your pediatric dentist can help. While most children and adults will experience cavities at one point or another, they are preventable with excellent dental hygiene and regular professional checkups. Of course, smart dietary choices can help reduce the risk of developing cavities, as well. So teaching your kids the value of eating well, and taking great care of their teeth and gums, can go a long way in avoiding cavities!


Could a Dental Crown Help Correct Your Kid’s Smile?

Many parents don’t realize that adults aren’t the only ones that may require restorative dental treatment. Even children whose permanent teeth have not yet fully erupted, may struggle with issues like a dental cavity, or worse, an infection. In some cases the dentist may recommend a root canal, or a pulpotomy. But in many cases he or she may also recommend a dental crown. Crowns can protect fragile teeth, and help prevent the need for an extraction or prosthetic tooth. So if you or your child has gone through extensive restorative treatment on a tooth, or needs to have some completed soon, talk to the dentist about the benefits of following that procedure up with a dental crown. (more…)

Does Your Child Need a Pulpotomy? PartTwo

When an adult allows a cavity to progress for some time, it can lead to an infection requiring root canal treatment. But when the same cavity progression happens to a kid, most pediatric dentists recommend a less invasive approach. This often means conducting a pulpotomy, which helps remove infected portions of the tooth, while leaving the rest of the tooth safe and in tact. As a parent, if you’re worried about taking your child for restorative treatment, or just curious what that treatment will entail, here is what you need to know about pulpotomies and how they can help save your kids’ smiles. (more…)

Ways to Make Dental Care More Fun for Your Kids: Part Two

Helping your kids take great care of their teeth is an important responsibility, one that shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth! After all, brushing and flossing are simple and painless tasks. They shouldn’t seem otherwise, just because you are a parent! Even dental checkups are nothing to be afraid of, and the sooner you can teach your kids this, the more likely they are to enjoy lifetimes of good oral health. So if you’d like to make dental care more fun, your pediatric dentist can help. As someone who specializes in keeping young smiles healthy, and parents happy, don’t overlook the great help a pediatric dentist can be for your entire family! (more…)

Ways to Make Dental Care More Fun for Your Kids: Part One

Does convincing your kids to brush their teeth each night before bed feel more like torture than responsible parenthood? Are you tired of having the same dental hygiene debate every morning before they head out the door for school? Fortunately your pediatric dentist has lots of helpful ways to make dental hygiene more fun for your kids, so you can all enjoy healthy smiles without so much grumbling. And who doesn’t want that, especially on those already frantic weekday mornings? (more…)