Does Your Child Need a Pulpotomy? PartTwo

When an adult allows a cavity to progress for some time, it can lead to an infection requiring root canal treatment. But when the same cavity progression happens to a kid, most pediatric dentists recommend a less invasive approach. This often means conducting a pulpotomy, which helps remove infected portions of the tooth, while leaving the rest of the tooth safe and in tact. As a parent, if you’re worried about taking your child for restorative treatment, or just curious what that treatment will entail, here is what you need to know about pulpotomies and how they can help save your kids’ smiles. (more…)

Ways to Make Dental Care More Fun for Your Kids: Part Two

Helping your kids take great care of their teeth is an important responsibility, one that shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth! After all, brushing and flossing are simple and painless tasks. They shouldn’t seem otherwise, just because you are a parent! Even dental checkups are nothing to be afraid of, and the sooner you can teach your kids this, the more likely they are to enjoy lifetimes of good oral health. So if you’d like to make dental care more fun, your pediatric dentist can help. As someone who specializes in keeping young smiles healthy, and parents happy, don’t overlook the great help a pediatric dentist can be for your entire family! (more…)

Ways to Make Dental Care More Fun for Your Kids: Part One

Does convincing your kids to brush their teeth each night before bed feel more like torture than responsible parenthood? Are you tired of having the same dental hygiene debate every morning before they head out the door for school? Fortunately your pediatric dentist has lots of helpful ways to make dental hygiene more fun for your kids, so you can all enjoy healthy smiles without so much grumbling. And who doesn’t want that, especially on those already frantic weekday mornings? (more…)

Celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month with Your Kids

You may already be planning to show your kids how much you care, this Valentine’s Day, by giving them special gifts or even throwing a small party. But February isn’t just about celebrating Cupid’s arrival. It is also National Children’s Dental Health Month, an opportunity the American Dental Association hopes parents will take to teach their kids about the importance of regular dental hygiene and care. After all, few things are as important as your kids’ beautiful smiles. Make sure they’re well-cared for, and educate your children how to maintain healthy smiles throughout their lives. (more…)

Are Missing Teeth A Big Deal?

When it comes to an open space in your little one’s smile, this is often regarded as cute and a simple fact of growing up. Keep in mind, this is only the case when the opening is the result of a missing baby tooth making room for a permanent tooth. However, what happens if we have removed a permanent tooth due to infection – or if your child’s smile is simply missing a permanent tooth that failed to develop? Allow us to explain why replacing the tooth is important and how we can help your little one avoid problems with dental care.


3 Benefits Of Structured Dental Care

Before you had children, were you the type of person to keep a regular routine on a daily basis? Or, did you enjoy a more organic way of moving through your daily life? Regardless of your personal preference for yourself, you will often hear that providing your child with structure – particularly in areas like dental care – will result in a much easier time. For instance, implement a routine, and brushing sessions may go much more smoothly. Allow us to offer some benefits for a clearer understanding.


FAQs: Children’s Dentistry

Finally, you have time off from work and your children are out of school for a spell. You also have time to focus on those millions of details that seem to fall through the cracks during your usual very busy schedule. If one of those details includes the dental care your child receives, we hope you will take the time to give us a call if you are ready to schedule a visit for children’s dentistry. In the meantime, we would like to answer some questions that might give you a boost of motivation to contact us.


Are Kids More Likely to Have Cavities?

As a parent, is it natural to worry about how often your children brush and floss their teeth, or how much candy they consume. Besides the discomfort and risks of childhood cavities, treating the decay that causes them might sometimes prove extensive.

Because they have not yet mastered the art of good hygiene, kids may be more likely to have cavities by the time they grow older. However, rather than treating them, the best option is typically to prevent them by teaching your children how to keep their teeth clean and healthy. (more…)

Make The Most Of 2015

Here comes 2016! You will get to celebrate with a clean slate, your child will have another birthday, and you will have tons of new memories to make. What you may have overlooked as you prepare your winter holiday shopping list is that, as we wrap up 2015, your benefits will not be extending into January, February, March … well, you get the idea. Do yourself a favor – take a quick moment to give some thought to your child’s dental insurance plan, so you ensure you get the most you can out of dental care coverage for this calendar year.


Compassionate Pediatric Dentistry

As you can clearly see, we love Halloween and getting into the celebratory spirit. One of the most exciting aspects of working with children is their immediate appreciation and enjoyment of the magical qualities in life. From lighting up when they see us in costume to telling us all about their Halloween plans, the holidays become an even more enjoyable time of year. Whether you’re a continuing patient or have been looking for pediatric dentistry for your child, we would like to spend a moment reminding you about all that we offer to ensure your child feels just as happy and relaxed at dental visits as we have been feeling all week!
