3 Flossing Reminders That Can Really Help!

When we mention the fact that we would like to review a few flossing reminders to make dental hygiene easier for you and your kiddos, this may sound like music to your ears. You know, of course, that your children need to floss (and that adults need to floss, too). You are already aware that flossing should be thorough and should take place once daily. However, in some cases, it’s not always that easy. It makes it tempting to let your kiddos skip a session every now and then, to get creative with other methods, and more. Good news: Our Dallas, TX team has some help on the way to clear up any confusion and to make this sometimes challenging part of smile protection simpler and more effective!


Asking Questions: An Easy Way To Talk About Smile Care With Kids

When you find yourself saying every morning, “Go brush your teeth!” and every evening, “Go brush your teeth, please!” and at some point each day, “Remember to floss!” you may feel like a broken record. You may also wonder if your kids would bother caring for their smiles without your prompt and consistent reminders. One way to consider approaching speaking with your kids about their smiles, in regard to preventive care and more, is by asking questions. Learn more about what our Dallas, TX team means and you may find that this helps you hand over a bit of responsibility to your kiddos, while communication becomes easier!


Crybaby Matinee At The Angelika Film Center

Do you ever miss going to the movies but because you have a baby who may burst into quite the wailing cry at any moment, you’ve realized you may have to wait a while before a movie theater is an option again? Think again! If you haven’t heard of the Crybaby Matinee, this might be a true game changer. Welcome your moviegoer enthusiasm back, as you prepare for this special Dallas, TX area program!


Your Kiddos’ Grins: How To Avoid Frantic Feelings On Valentine’s Day

Yep, we know it: Valentine’s Day will be here shortly, which means just about everyone is going to be indulging their sweet tooths and going full-force into what you may only be able to think of as a sugary oblivion. When you have kids, of course, any feelings of being overwhelmed by this potential oral health disaster only multiplies because it can certainly get in the way of your usual plans for keeping your kids’ smiles on track. The good news? You can choose to delight in the fun instead of fueling the frantic feelings that show up. The even better news? Our Dallas, TX team can help you with that!


3 Reasons To Get Serious About Gingivitis

You have heard us talk with you about gingivitis before, how to prevent it, and the fact that gum disease can damage your child’s oral health. For a quick review, our Dallas, TX team explains that this is the first step of periodontal disease that includes inflammation. Can it be prevented, you ask? Of course! Can it be treated it if develops? Yes! However, we remind you that it’s also an oral illness that can quickly develop and remain overlooked, which can yield serious side effects! So, with that said, let’s talk about locking in an excellent preventive approach (and the details associated with why doing so is so significant).


Ways To Enjoy National Children’s Dental Health Month 2019

Every February, we remind you that not only are you looking forward to a loved-filled Valentine’s day but you also get to spend the entire month enjoying National Children’s Dental Health Month! While celebrating on the fourteenth may be something that comes effortlessly, you may realize that celebrating this smile-health-related observance is not necessarily something you’re sure how to do. Not to worry! You’ve got our Dallas, TX pediatric dental team to offer you up some easy ways to ensure you’re making the most of what this month has to offer.


Groundhog Day Celebration At The Dallas Arboretum

Are your kiddos excited about Groundhog Day? Are you itching to find out what the groundhog is going to let us know this year because you are definitely ready for winter to be over? If you happen to find February 2nd to be a fun-filled way to celebrate the transition of winter to spring (whether it’s sooner or later), then you and your kids can expect a super-enjoyable time at the upcoming Groundhog Day Celebration at the Dallas Arboretum!


Our Practice: Reminding You Who Is Welcome

You are well aware when you read our practice name that we are a pediatric dental practice in Dallas, TX. However, that may not completely satisfy your need for an answer. You may wonder who is included when it comes to pediatric dental care. Will this allow you to bring your kids in, no matter their ages? Are there cut-offs? Are you welcome to come on in during your kids visits? Get quick answers to these inquiries straight from our team (And remember this quick hint: Everyone is welcome!).


Instead Of Worrying: Stick With What You Can Control

Our Dallas, TX pediatric dental care team talks quite frequently about understanding your feeling as a parent. You want to do all of the things you can think of to do so that you feel sure you’ve given your child every opportunity to avoid problems, including in regard to dental care. You wonder, have you provided the best care at home? Have you done the right things in regard to professional care? Then, of course, the “what if” questions set in, such as, “What if my child gets a cavity?” and similar thoughts. We know that it’s easy to fall into worrying when you cannot control every last detail. As a result, we encourage you to instead focus on what you can control for a happier experience!


Your Child’s Tooth Infection: How And What Now?

When you think of serious dental issues, tooth infections, and the like, one of the last things you envision is your child’s nearly pristine grin! How on earth could such a cute, little, brand new tooth become infected, you wonder? Well, the thing is, little ones’ teeth are faced with the same types of problems as grown-up teeth. All it takes is bacteria and the right set of unfortunate circumstances for infection to develop. Remember, of course, that humans’ mouths are full of all types of bacteria! Though this may not sound like a very happy realization, our Dallas, TX team reminds you that preventing such issues and dealing with them is absolutely something we can help you achieve!
