Remember, Everyone’s A Dental Care Student!

We like to remind the parents of our patients that the journey toward becoming a true master of dental care is a lifelong one! That means, just like your children are just starting to learn how to care for their own smiles, you are still learning, too! So, why is our Dallas, TX team taking the time to tell you this, you wonder? Well, we know that you can feel as though you’re supposed to know all of the answers and that, when faced with attempting to be the teacher to your little one, you can sometimes worry if you come up short with answers, advice, or know-how! Consider some suggestions, so you can feel much better about things!


Fair Park Field Day

Remember those lovely Field Day experiences from childhood? Did you know that your children can experience that amazing, outdoor fun not only at school but also in our Dallas, TX community through a program called Fair Park Field Day? Did you know that you get to play, too? It’s happening every Saturday through the end of July and is sure to put some serious smiles on your kids’ faces!


Don’t Let Scheduling Uncertainty Hinder Visits!

It always begins the same way: You think to yourself, “Wow, I really need to schedule a dental visit.” After all, you recognize the importance of bringing your child in for professional dental checkups and cleanings. However, this realization is followed by another one, in which you recognize you are really not sure when to schedule your visit. While it seems simple at first glance, there’s a lot to add into the mix when you select a date and time. There are a lot of factors and often a lot of people to think about! Let our Dallas, TX team share some hints that will allow you more easily set up essential care.


I Don’t Want My Child To Have My Smile Problems

When you think about your children’s smiles, it’s often difficult not to associate them with your own. What you want, of course, is for your kids to have the easiest, most successful experience they can with their smile health and with the dental care they receive and practice throughout their lives! Unfortunately, if you have had any problems, you may worry your kids will be in for the exact same fate. Our Dallas, TX team certainly understands your feelings and is happy to remind you that we are here to help you protect your kids’ smiles in as many ways as is necessary! So, you can relax and know your children’s oral health is headed in the right direction.


Little Farmers: Blueberries!

Do you find a Saturday morning visit to the Farmers Market in our Dallas, TX community to be a breath of fresh air and a surprisingly fun experience for the whole family? Enjoy your browsing, shopping, sunshine-filled (hopefully) experience and bring the kids around to enjoy a special ongoing little program for little enthusiasts! This week it’s Little Farmers: Blueberries!


Kids and Dental Visits: Making It Easier

We can’t promise that all children will think going to the dentist is as fun as going to the swimming pool or the zoo. Just keep in mind that our children’s dental office in Dallas, TX has many amenities with our young patients (and their parents) in mind. Our light and bright office is welcoming,  with puppets and toys. Our staff is experienced in caring for young smiles. You can get your business done with our wifi, while young patients can enjoy a video while they are in the dental chair. (more…)

Hansel And Gretel For Kids

If the beloved tale of Hansel and Gretel is a story you and your kiddos enjoy, then why not take it in through the magical beauty of the opera? Bring kids out for an enjoyable and interactive experience with the upcoming Hansel and Gretel for Kids opera event in our Dallas, TX community! It’s sure to impress and is a very cool way to introduce young ones to this time-honored art form.


3 Times You Get Our Round Of Applause

The last thing you might expect by the time you get your child to our practice for a dental care visit is a round of applause. Instead, you may be wondering if someone has been hiding in the bushes, watching as you struggle to get your crying child into the car and buckled up, before both of your kids announce they need to use the restroom (leaving you looking furious), and all you want is to arrive at our practice on time. While your perspective may feel a bit fraught with worry and upset that things didn’t go more smoothly, remember that our dental team is generally quite impressed! We see parents every day and we know that the struggle is real! So, today, enjoy a quick pat on the back in areas you may not even realize you deserve one!


Old Time Music Jam

Do you ever wish your kids could have the chance to listen to some old-timey music? As in, the stuff that was around even before bluegrass made its introduction into the world? Hoping for a way to give them a glimpse into the social and cultural heritage of music from eras gone by, as it connected families and community, and provided a means of true, self-created entertainment? If so, the Old Time Music Jam in our Dallas, TX community is something your whole family will love.


Smile Care Perspective Shift: Your Kids Will Be Adults One Day

Why is our Dallas, TX team speeding up time and asking you to consider the fact that your precious babes will one day be adults, just like you? Well. We certainly don’t want time to feel like it is passing you by any more quickly! However, we do want you to remember that sometimes, reminding yourself that those kiddos will be grown-ups way, way in the future will help you shift your perspective as it applies to their smile care. Hopeful that this may offer you some help in terms of your general outlook? Consider some ways you may put it to good use!
