Is Your Child Having Trouble Chewing?

Have you noticed that your child seems to be having some chewing problems while eating? If you cannot quite put your finger on the reason, it can cause you some serious distress. After all, enjoying snacks and meals should be enjoyable, not fraught with frustration. To get started, we encourage you to consider some common factors that may be the root of your child’s current challenge. Of course, if you need additional help, all it takes is setting up a checkup and coming in to see us!


Why Cavity Free Is Best

You may have moments during which you wonder to yourself why it’s so important to put so much effort into preventive care. After all, dental fillings are there to pick up the slack when all doesn’t go according to plan and your child ends up with a cavity. While we certainly have only wonderful things to say about fillings and strongly encourage you to see us if your child needs one, there’s something you need to remember: Prevention and avoiding cavities is always even better than letting them form and treating them. Is a cavity the end of the world? Nope! However, doing what you can to avoid them is worth it.


Fun Ways To Introduce The Dental Topic

Want to drop little hints to your kiddos about dental care but you know if you sit down and lecture them, it will fall on deaf ears? There are certainly some much easier ways to introduce the topic without making dental hygiene and oral health care seem like a chore list. Additionally exciting is the fact that some simple activities can make it a bit easier for you to monitor how your kids’ smiles are looking, too. Remember, the simplest moments can prove quite beneficial!


Your Child’s Dental Care: The Speech Connection

It’s easy to forget about just how far-reaching the benefits of dental care can become for your child. If you were having even the slightest doubt about the worthwhileness of the effort you’ve been putting forth for your child’s preventive care, then we encourage you to think again! Your decision to protect that developing smile is extremely important. Did you ever stop to think about the way your son or daughter’s oral health impacts proper speech development? Consider some details regarding this connection. You’ll feel reassured that trips to the dentist are certainly as advantageous as you’d imagined!


Plan, Track, And Schedule Smile Care!

Do you have everything down to a science when it comes to your child’s smile care? How about your own? When you’re trying to run a tight ship but you discover that you sometimes drop the ball regarding all things related to smile health (and there are a lot of details to consider), it’s always easier to have some guidelines in place. Need a little help with all of that sorting out? Remember to plan, track, and schedule for a much easier daily and long-term experience.


Kids’ Smile Tips: All Things Gift Wrap

If you’re lucky, though it might take a bit longer than if you were breezing along on your own, your kids love to help you wrap presents! Of course, they also love unwrapping them, too. While this is one of the most enjoyable parts of the holiday season, it can also turn a little dangerous very quickly. Never connected the dots this way but you’re ready to learn more? Keep kids’ smiles safe from accidental injury by considering some smile safe tips.


Cold Weather: Keep Kids’ Smiles Happy!

Your child doesn’t know why his or her mouth feels sticky but know something feels weird. Your daughter might not know why her lips suddenly feel papery and uncomfortable and she might not say anything about it until they’re quite dry! Your son may not realize that he keeps waking up coughing because winter is not always kindly and can dry out his oral tissues. However, you know these things! Let’s review some details to keep an eye out for (for your own and your child’s oral health) this winter, so everyone keeps comfortable smiles.


3 Reminders About Cost Effective Care

When you’ve got kids, it often seems like your wallet has sprung a leak. Every time you turn around, you seem to be spending more and more money on essentials. As a result, you may start wondering if all of the “necessary” things you’re investing in are actually required or are just a luxury. When it comes to your child’s dental care, we encourage you to remember that investing in it is actually your most cost effective way of managing your little one’s oral health. Let’s get a bit more specific!


Your Child’s Smile: 2 Drink Dangers You’re Overlooking

As a parent, you have become the responsible party for disappointing your children with word “no” when they want something that isn’t good for them. You have also become a master at alternatives that will usually keep your kids happy and satisfy you with the sense that you’re protecting them. When it comes to the details associated with your kids’ smile (and all things associated with oral health), this can become a bit tricky on occasion. Today, we would like to inform you of some very common, tricky details to add to your growing bank of wisdom!


Fluoride Treatment For Kids: A Quiz!

You may wonder if it’s important that you bring your children in for fluoride treatments or if this is not really necessary. From our perspective as dental professionals, this is a fantastic way to help your children avoid problems with the development of cavities and to grow very strong, healthy teeth! It can even help with teeth that have experienced very early signs of decay. Still curious about some of the details? Begin learning more with a quiz!
