Oral Health Protection: 2 Habits To Stop Early

When you see your little one doing something that you know will lead to serious consequences down the line, your immediate reaction is to find a way to put a stop to it. When it’s something less obvious, however, you may not even realize that you’re witnessing a habit that can negatively affect the future of your child’s oral health. Today, we cover just a couple smile-related habits that can lead to damage (and that you can easily encourage your children to avoid).


Fluorosis: Answering Key Questions

The mysterious side of fluoride rears its head again! While you may already feel A-OK about this mineral in regard to whether it’s safe for your child’s overall health during daily use (it is), you may have heard other parents mention the possibility of a condition called fluorosis. Now, all of your I-feel-great-about-fluoridated-toothpaste feelings are up in the air and you find yourself conflicted again over the paste you’ve chosen for your little one. Amazing news: There’s really nothing to worry about. Consider answers to key questions and you will see that steering clear of this disorder is very easy to do.


2 Things We’d Rather You Didn’t Do

We know that it can be tricky to figure out whether you’re overreacting or if you’re under-reacting and, as a result, leaving your child’s oral health vulnerable to possible problems. Generally speaking, we say that if it is something you don’t know how to do or are not trained to do, call us to schedule a dental visit. One of the easiest ways to figure out when it’s a good idea to call us and when you can just stay home is to err on the side of being just a little overprotective and then working your way from there! For now, let’s talk about a couple things that we really don’t want you trying on your own.


Tongue Talk: A Few Helpful Tips

At this point, if you know all about brushing and flossing, then you’re most certainly on track with optimal dental hygiene with your kiddos. They’re probably starting to get the hang of the details and are well on their way toward developing excellent habits that will become a natural part of their daily lives (hopefully forever and ever). As your friendly dental practice, we like to check in from time to time to make sure you really do feel like you’re on top of things with your child’s oral health. Today, for instance, we offer tips on the tongue just in case you need a bit of additional guidance.


It’s Autumn: Keep Our Tips In Mind!

Yes, we know that the very last thing you want to think about once autumn makes its exciting appearance is telling your kids, “No” or telling yourself the same thing! We agree that this is a very cozy and lovely time of year. We also agree that the many snacks and invigorating details that come with it are pretty nice, too. However, with that said, we know that you do want children’s oral health to remain in beautiful condition. So, take a quick break, gather up some helpful tips, and enjoy the season!


Ghouls And Graveyards

Do your teens love, love, love Halloween and all of the fright-night stuff? If you’ve got some brave kiddos who truly enjoy the creepy crawly details that come along with October 31st, then they will certainly not want to miss out on the upcoming Ghouls And Graveyards event!


Dental Sensitivity: What To Do?

Have you recently discovered that your child is experiencing dental sensitivity? Perhaps chewing has become uncomfortable. Maybe every time your child drinks something from the refrigerator, the sensations that follow are not very pleasant. We know that seeing your child feel anything other than happy and comfortable is not easy to handle. Fortunately, we are ready with simple suggestions for getting your child swift relief.


We’re A 2017 DFW Child Mom-Approved Dentist!

Do you happen to have a subscription to DFW Child magazine? If so, you just might catch our recent recognition of 2017 Mom-Approved Dentist in the September 2017 issue. We are so happy to be the recipient of such an honorable recognition and look forward to seeing new and existing patients for dental care! The smiles on the faces of our kids, moms, and dads that walk through our doors are what make our job truly remarkable.


Tall Tales Story Time

Do your kids love, love, love story time? Are you a little tired of re-reading the same stories over and over? Don’t worry, we won’t tell! However, we will share a little secret with you: You might want to bring your kids over to Tall Tales Story Time every month for a tale told by a librarian. Even better? Your kids are encouraged to have a good time and participate, too!
