Easy Protection For Jaws And Teeth

Do you ever think about your own jaws and teeth and some of the hiccups have occurred with your oral health throughout your life? Perhaps you occasionally end up with sore teeth or fatigued jaws. Might these types of concerns affect your children? What can you do, you ask yourself, to ensure your little ones aren’t developing negative habits or doing things that may lead to damage or discomfort for jaws and teeth? We can offer a wealth of helpful advice!


Children’s Smile Health: Simple, Important Habits To Consider

There are some very simple habits to think about that can have a strong impact on your child’s smile health. When you make good decisions along the way, you guide your little one’s oral health in a direction toward lifelong success. So, how to pick up on these details? For starters, see us for your six-month checkups and we will keep you informed. For now, let’s have a quick chat about common habits to consider!


Birthday Parties And Sugar: What Can You Do?

When you have your kids with you, it’s so easy to make all of the decisions regarding how much sugar they can have (and more). Granted, that doesn’t mean there are never tears or “please!” moments involved but you’re in charge! Now, let’s talk about what happens when your kiddos are at birthday parties. You’re not there to monitor what they eat, they’re surrounded by other kids who are eating celebratory cake and ice cream, and this leaves you in a little bit of an oral health quandary. What to do? Well, that all depends on how you feel, your personal values, and more! Don’t worry, we can certainly assist with this common topic!


Is Your Child Having Trouble Chewing?

Have you noticed that your child seems to be having some chewing problems while eating? If you cannot quite put your finger on the reason, it can cause you some serious distress. After all, enjoying snacks and meals should be enjoyable, not fraught with frustration. To get started, we encourage you to consider some common factors that may be the root of your child’s current challenge. Of course, if you need additional help, all it takes is setting up a checkup and coming in to see us!


The Stuff You Can’t Believe Your Kids Eat

You’ve seen it. Candy that looks like toothpaste. Cookies in flavors you can’t imagine wanting. Super sour stuff that kids compete over, seeing who can withstand the discomfort! Trends come and go with your kids and their friends and sometimes, you don’t know what to do about it because you’re a bit beside yourself. You certainly wouldn’t touch it, so how to react? Not to worry. Focus on keeping your kids’ oral health safe and the rest will change as they get older. For now, try some tips.


Smile-Safe Fun For Your Little Valentines

Do you love making Valentine’s Day special for your little ones because the day is all about love, and who better to lavish with something special? However, is there part of you that isn’t sure how to make the day safe for everyone’s smile health because your go-to ideas all include desserts? Not a problem. While a little bit of sweetness on this holiday isn’t out of the question, we can certainly help steer you in a direction you can feel good about!


Why Cavity Free Is Best

You may have moments during which you wonder to yourself why it’s so important to put so much effort into preventive care. After all, dental fillings are there to pick up the slack when all doesn’t go according to plan and your child ends up with a cavity. While we certainly have only wonderful things to say about fillings and strongly encourage you to see us if your child needs one, there’s something you need to remember: Prevention and avoiding cavities is always even better than letting them form and treating them. Is a cavity the end of the world? Nope! However, doing what you can to avoid them is worth it.
