Q&A: Brushing Your Tongue

Have you ever found yourself instructing your child to brush his or her tongue only to wonder if you’re offering the correct advice? Perhaps this is something you have never done but you have a feeling you’re supposed to include tongue brushing as part of dental hygiene. Allow us to offer some clarification on this matter with a helpful Q&A session. You and your child will find that this simple step can provide your brushing routines with exceptional benefits without much extra effort.


Check Your Child’s Brushing

Whether you have a young tot who is learning to brush his teeth for the first time or teenage girls who seem like seasoned pros, it is important that you monitor brushing habits. While we would all like to assume our children develop exceptional dental hygiene. However, as new skills develop, younger patients often overlook particular aspects of tooth brushing or they simply rush through the process because it’s certainly not on the top of the priority list. Consider some potential mishaps to watch for to make sure your children are getting the most out of their brushing sessions.


Choose This, Not That

Do your children ever ask you for something that you know is particularly bad for their smiles? Perhaps your little ones ask for sugar-filled gum or extremely chewy candy that you know will lead to a mess and sugar-coated teeth that are hard to clean up (and vulnerable to tooth decay). Have you often found yourself wishing you could quickly think up an alternative because you remember how much fun it was to indulge in these types of sweet treats as a kid? Allow us to offer a few helpful hints, so you have replacement options on hand (and smiling kiddos).


Sneak Dental Care Fun Into Holiday Time

Do you begin feeling extra concerned about your child’s smile over the holidays? What is your biggest concern? Is your child becoming older and more independent and you want to think of a way to promote a positive outlook on dental care? Do you worry about your child’s dental hygiene throughout November, December, and even part of January (and then February!) because of the many exciting holidays that bring with them a bevy of delicious, sugary treats? Do yourself a favor and stop all of that worrying – we are happy to offer a few helpful tips for making sure your child’s smile remains healthy and bright, while home care remains simple to accomplish.


FAQs: Children’s Dentistry

Finally, you have time off from work and your children are out of school for a spell. You also have time to focus on those millions of details that seem to fall through the cracks during your usual very busy schedule. If one of those details includes the dental care your child receives, we hope you will take the time to give us a call if you are ready to schedule a visit for children’s dentistry. In the meantime, we would like to answer some questions that might give you a boost of motivation to contact us.


Reasons To Schedule Immediate Care

When your child tells you that he or she is suffering from a toothache, you might find yourself pulled in several different directions. Contacting us immediately might feel like an overreaction but waiting too long can make you feel like you’re not protecting your child. The good news is that watching for common signs of problems and calling us right away is always a good move. From there, we can assist you in determining whether your child needs an emergency dental visit (which we will plan with urgency) or if a regular appointment will do.


Abscesses: How Much Do You Know?

If you have learned details about root canal treatment then you have likely heard the term “abscess” mentioned at least once or twice. As you know, we suggest root canals for patients who are suffering from infected teeth or seriously damaged dental pulp (the tissue that lines the interior of a tooth). Unfortunately, if you neglect to visit us for restorative treatment, serious side effects may occur. By learning more about an abscess and related consequences, you will feel more enlightened regarding the significance of quickly addressing infections.


Are Kids More Likely to Have Cavities?

As a parent, is it natural to worry about how often your children brush and floss their teeth, or how much candy they consume. Besides the discomfort and risks of childhood cavities, treating the decay that causes them might sometimes prove extensive.

Because they have not yet mastered the art of good hygiene, kids may be more likely to have cavities by the time they grow older. However, rather than treating them, the best option is typically to prevent them by teaching your children how to keep their teeth clean and healthy. (more…)

Help Your Child Break the Thumb-Sucking Habit

Thumb sucking is a natural routine for babies to comfort and soothe themselves. In fact, by a few months old, many infants will begin sucking their fingers and thumbs to calm down, fall asleep, or simply to amuse themselves. However, as a parent, you may wonder at what point does it become unacceptable, and how can you facilitate the transition from thumb-sucking to other coping methods?

To help preserve your child’s healthy smile, we explore a few tips to help your child quit thumb-sucking before it permanently affects their oral health and development. (more…)

Nighttime Brushing Followed By Insomnia?

Do you find that brushing your child’s teeth in the morning is surprisingly successful, particularly when compared with the nightmare of your nighttime routine? The good news is that you are doing your best to protect your little one’s smile with preventive care at home. The bad news is that you are probably becoming overwhelmed and frustrated if your previously sleepy child seems wide awake and ready for another day by the time his or her head hits the pillow. Don’t worry – we have some helpful tips that can make this time of day much easier to approach.
