When Your Child’s Oral Health Can Use a Boost

Once you teach your child the basics of good dental hygiene and the importance of sticking to them, you can rest a little easier that they have a decent chance of keeping their smiles healthy for life. However, your child’s oral health status and needs can change quickly as their teeth and oral structures develop, and sometimes, their smiles need a boost to ensure their continued good oral health. Today, we examine a few ways we can help boost your child’s hygiene and oral health efforts to give them a better chance at continuously enjoying their healthy smiles. (more…)

A Few Ways We Help Strengthen Your Child’s Teeth

When it comes to caring for your child’s teeth, some things are common knowledge, like the need to teach them how to stick to good dental hygiene practices every day. However, there are several specific ways in which you can help your child improve their ability to protect their teeth and oral health besides brushing and flossing every day. Today, we examine a few ways we can help strengthen your child’s teeth with professional preventive care, and how this can improve their oral health now and in the long run. (more…)

Are Fluoride and Dental Sealants Good for Kids’ Teeth?

Most of the treatments that we design for children’s teeth are designed with a heavy focus on prevention. For example, routine checkups and cleanings are general services that are designed to help prevent a wide range of issues, from tooth decay to tooth damage, and more. In addition to routine cleanings, however, your child may sometimes need a little help in effectively preventing an issue like tooth decay from forming. At our Dallas, TX, dental office, we can often provide that help in the form of fluoride treatments and/or dental sealants, which are designed specifically to protect your child’s teeth from harmful oral bacteria. (more…)

What to Ask the Dentist During Your Child’s Checkup

You might not always be 100% sure that you’re doing all you can to help your child care for their teeth. Perhaps you should be doing more; maybe it was too early to have them brush and floss on their own; what if a cavity is already developing? The good news is you can get the answers to those questions easily by asking them during your child’s checkup and cleaning appointments. Keeping your child’s smile healthy is a team effort, and at our Dallas, TX, dental office, we’re always happy to strengthen that effort by answering any questions you may have! (more…)

Tips to Wean Your Kids Off of a Candy Addiction

The most common threat to your child’s teeth isn’t sugar or candy, but rather the oral bacteria that make up dental plaque and metabolize sugar into more harmful substances. For example, certain types of oral bacteria turn sugar (and other types of carbs) into acids, which then sap your child’s teeth and their enamel of vital minerals. This paves the way for cavity development and heightened risks of severe tooth infection, which can lead to the need for extensive restorative treatment. While sugar may not be the biggest direct threat, your child’s smile can benefit greatly when you teach them to avoid candy and sugar that could feed harmful oral bacteria. (more…)

Improve Your Child’s Chances of Never Needing a Pulpotomy!

Some dental treatments aren’t usually appropriate for children, for many reasons. For example, if your child loses a baby (primary) tooth, then replacing it with a dental implant wouldn’t be as good as an idea as it would be for an adult who loses a tooth. Root canal therapy is another treatment that’s usually recommended for adult teeth that have become severely infected. Though its much rarer for children to receive baby root canal treatment, or pulpotomy, it’s unwise to leave a tooth severely infected, even if it’s a primary tooth. Fortunately, with the right level of care and attention, you can help your child avoid the need for baby root canal therapy, even if tooth decay has already developed. (more…)

Toothbrush Choices: Keeping Smiles Bright And Healthy! 

You brush your teeth and ensure that your children brush their teeth, in part, because our Dallas, TX team tells you that you should. You also do it because you know it’s for the protection of your family’s oral health. While you probably have most of the details pretty well figured out at this point, it’s not unusual for even a very dedicated individual to suddenly feel full of questions about any aspect of dental care. Perhaps you wake up one day to recognize you really don’t know much about the type of toothbrush you and your kiddos should be using. Fortunately, when you seek answers from us, you’ve come to the right place!
