Pre-Summer Suggestions For You!

Just when you thought you had it all figured out, sorted, and planned along with spring’s arrival, our Dallas, TX team comes along with early reminders for summer! Not to worry, these aren’t pressing matters to take action on immediately. Instead, we simply like to offer up some gentle alerts ahead of time, so as you enjoy this lovely spring season, you can begin thinking about what’s coming up for the very warmest of the year’s months as it applies to your kiddos’ dental care!


3 Cavity Reminders You’ll Want To Remember

You don’t love thinking about cavities when it comes to your kiddos but you know that tooth decay is always a possibility. Some parents feel extremely stressed out at the thought of the development of even one cavity, while others wonder if they should be more worried. Of course, our Dallas, TX team encourages you to simply take a straightforward look at decay, to understand prevention and treatment, and to stick to the facts. When you do this, you’ll be helping your child maintain excellent oral health through the easy means required!


Is There a Sure Way to Prevent Cavities?

Cavities are the most common threat to your child’s teeth, and preventing them is an important aspect of their routine dental care. The good news is that, while there is no single treatment or dental solution that’s guaranteed to prevent cavities, there are specific measures you can take to help protect your child’s teeth from them. At our Dallas, TX, children’s dental office, cavity prevention and treatment are important aspects of the care we provide. Today, we examine a few of the most effective ways to help your child prevent them. (more…)

Dental Fillings: Time Sensitive Details!

When you learn that your child requires a dental filling for tooth decay, you may assume it’s okay to prioritize a long list of other things before you follow through on scheduling a visit. Unfortunately, this may not work out as well as you might hope! Fillings are time sensitive and, since we are well aware that many individuals don’t know this, our Dallas, TX team is ready to explain why! Call us just as soon as you can, so we may restore your kiddo’s oral health.


Your Kiddos’ Grins: How To Avoid Frantic Feelings On Valentine’s Day

Yep, we know it: Valentine’s Day will be here shortly, which means just about everyone is going to be indulging their sweet tooths and going full-force into what you may only be able to think of as a sugary oblivion. When you have kids, of course, any feelings of being overwhelmed by this potential oral health disaster only multiplies because it can certainly get in the way of your usual plans for keeping your kids’ smiles on track. The good news? You can choose to delight in the fun instead of fueling the frantic feelings that show up. The even better news? Our Dallas, TX team can help you with that!


Sugar And Too Much Exposure: It’s The True Culprit!

Let’s talk about sugar for a moment. If you have children and you don’t happen have kiddos who magically dislike sweets (or you don’t have a strict no-sugar policy in your home), then this is going to be one very frequent topic. If you are like many parents, then your understanding regarding sugar and tooth decay may only go as far as “sugar can cause cavities.” What we would like for you to recognize is that sugar itself isn’t exactly to blame. Keep in mind that it’s only when bacteria have time to eat leftover sugar from your mouth (which they digest and then release as a harmful acid, which leads to decay) that you have a problem. So, then, what’s the major concern? It’s the length of time your children’s teeth are exposed to that sugar! Consider some new information from our Dallas, TX team that is sure to offer helpful enlightenment!


A Sweet Treat That Prevents Cavities: Could It Be True?

Of course, you have heard about ways to satisfy you child’s sweet tooth (and your own) without causing any damage. However, you may not know about how to indulge in a sweet treat and do so while actually preventing tooth decay just yet! Sound too good to be true? We are happy to report that a lollipop (or lozenge) treat called Loloz can actually do just that. Hoping for a little more information because you’re not exactly convinced at the moment? No problem. Our Dallas, TX team has some introductory answers to your questions (and will be more than happy to discuss this treat more during your child’s next dental visit).


Why You Should Definitely Treat That Cavity Before Halloween!

Does your child have a cavity? Do you keep meaning to call us up to schedule your child’s beautiful white dental filling but you manage to forget about it or put it off because you have so many other things to do? While our Dallas, TX team can absolutely comprehend of a very busy schedule, and we know that you know how important addressing decay is, we do have one time-sensitive suggestion for you to keep in mind: Treat that cavity before Halloween! Wondering why we suggest this? Let’s discuss.


2 Things To Consider As Halloween Approaches

You’ve probably been noticing it for much longer than you care to think about: Halloween candy has been lining the shelves of your local grocery store for weeks now and we’ve only just made our way into September! As an adult, of course, you can simply ignore the holiday aisle full of sugary delights. However, whether you shop with the kiddos or not, they are well aware that the candy-filled holiday is quickly approaching and you are well aware that this influx of sweets is only going to continue growing. What to do in preparation, you wonder? Consider a couple suggestions from our Dallas, TX pediatric dental care team, so you feel better about things.


3 Ways To Cope When Your Child Gets A Cavity

In most instances, we spend time talking with you about how to help manage your child’s oral health. We love discussing prevention, how to guide your child toward healthy smile care habits, and are more than pleased to discuss what you should do in the case that your child ends up with an issue like tooth decay, so we can quickly resolve the issue. Today, however, our Dallas, TX pediatric dental care team would like to turn our attention away from your kiddo for just a bit and shine a spotlight on you! We know that when your child develops a cavity, it can feel very overwhelming for you. Unfortunately, if you’re upset, your child may pick up on this, which can lead to your child feeling anxious about smile care like dental fillings, rather than relaxed. Let us offer some helpful ways for you to cope, so you can get back on track with feeling A-OK about your son or daughter’s grin!
