Juice! It’s Yummy But Don’t Overlook The Reality.
Yes, your kids love juice. You may even love juice! You might enjoy the stuff that has added sugar some of the time. Or, you may avoid it at all costs. You may even make your own at home. No matter the type you and your kiddos like, our Dallas, TX team wants you to recognize that as yummy as it can be, it’s also a beverage that can pose a considerable threat to your children’s oral health (and yours, too!). So, take a moment to learn a bit more, as you become attuned to ways you can more safely sip, should the mood strike!
Your Child’s Tooth Decay: Questions You Really Want Answered
There may be some tooth decay questions you would really love to bring up, when you come in for your child’s dental visits with our Dallas, TX team! However, that doesn’t always mean that you have done so! You may feel a little silly about some of your questions (as though you should already know the answers), embarrassed that a cavity has managed to form, etc. Of course, we empathize but also remind you that caring for your smile and now, the smile of your child, is an ever-evolving experience. Fortunately, the more you learn, the easier and more successful that journey becomes! So, always ask about what’s on your mind. For now, let’s cover frequent areas of uncertainty.
Signs There’s A Cavity Brewing!
Of course, you keep up with your dental checkups and cleanings with us! Generally speaking, when you’re on track with the professional part of your dental care with our Dallas, TX practice and you and your child are on track at home with dental hygiene, oral health remains on track, too! However, when bacteria make their way into a tiny groove, they can still cause a cavity. Though it’s not likely, the possibility of it means it’s nice to have some idea of what to expect, so you know to call us if signs of possible tooth decay begin to show up. Learn more (and remember, whether it’s decay or otherwise, we are here to fix it!).
Things You Can Do to Teach Your Child to Avoid Cavities
Brushing and flossing teeth every day is important. In fact, it’s one of the first lessons we teach children about good dental hygiene, along with visiting the dentist regularly for routine checkups and cleanings. However, successfully preventing cavities often requires more than just good basic hygiene. At our Dallas, TX, children’s dental office, we can help you teach your children to prevent cavities more effectively by offering a few tips on showing them ways to keep their smiles consistently healthy. (more…)
Figuring It Out: Does Your Child Have A Toothache?
Sometimes, you might not really know what to make of what’s going on with your little one! You wonder: Does your child have a toothache but isn’t telling you? Does your child think that his or her tooth hurts but really, it’s a nearby structure or set of tissues that’s causing the discomfort? Of course, our Dallas, TX pediatric dental care team is ready to help you do a bit of detective work, so you can sort out what might be going on and how to move forward. With that said, when you cannot find the source of pain or you’re just not certain, set up a dental checkup with us!
3 Ways To Think About Cavities
You can, of course, feel very upset when you learn that your child has a cavity, you can lament anything that you may have possibly done to contribute to the tooth decay, and you can even feel somewhat afraid of them. It’s your choice! However, our Dallas, TX team takes it upon ourselves to remind you that you may also choose (instead) to look at the development of a cavity through a very different lens … one that ends up benefiting you and your child in the process. Feeling like you could really use this sort of a pick-me-up right now! Good! Get to know some helpful new perspectives you may not have considered just yet!
Sports Drinks: A Few Things To Consider
Your kids love sports drinks! They are delicious, come in beautifully vibrant colors and amazing flavors, and they’re the cool thing to drink when participating in sports! They may also be a favorite off of the field, too, which is not always the best thing for your child’s oral health. Of course, occasionally enjoying a chilly, bright purple beverage isn’t going to be the downfall of anyone’s oral health, however, our Dallas, TX team does have some considerations for you to keep in mind (so you can keep your kids’ smiles safe).
Teens And Easy Routine Changes: We Can Help!
You have a teenager and you want your teen’s smile to remain as healthy as possible! This is something that can seem challenging at first but, with some helpful advice, that may seem more and more achievable every day. To help you feel better and more prepared in terms of the need for routine dental care changes that may come up, that may seem quite pressing (and to which you’re not quite sure how to respond) our Dallas, TX team is here for you! Remember, if you still need further guidance, just give us a call.
Children’s Chewing Pain: What You Should Know
When you’re eating a snack or sitting down to a meal together and you notice your child is experiencing chewing pain, your antenna immediately goes up. Is this normal? Is it a sign of an oral health problem? How to know when a bit of discomfort in a developing grin is to be expected, when it really shouldn’t be happening, and what to do about it all? Our Dallas, TX team reminds you, of course, that we are always here to help you when you need our support! As for the brief rundown that can answer your most pressing questions, let’s get started.
When Your Child Is Worried About Fillings
While you may not love learning that your child needs a dental filling, you understand the reasoning, you know that it will solve a problem, you are aware the results will look just lovely, and you have probably had one before (so you are not afraid of them). However, when your child learns it’s time for a first filling, well, things don’t always go so smoothly. If you have a child who feels worried about an upcoming visit for this simple restoration, our Dallas, TX team has some helpful advice!