IV Sedation 101

Adults and children alike commonly receive different types of sedation dentistry for a variety of treatments. Some patients prefer sedation for everything from checkups to fillings, while others rely on added relaxation for more complex procedures. As for your child, we are always open to discussing the full gamut of sedation solutions to promote consistently tranquil dental visits. One of our sedation options is IV sedation, which we commonly suggest for restorative treatments like tooth extractions. By becoming more familiar with this and other types of sedation, you will gain a comfort level, so you can best help us keep your child feeling at ease about dental care.


Oral Sedation 101

When it comes to helping your child achieve a greater state of relaxation, we offer sedation dentistry solutions like oral sedation. While you may like the idea of helping your son or daughter feel a bit more at ease for particular treatments, such as fillings or root canals, we understand that you may have some questions. For instance, what can you expect from this sedation option? Though we encourage you to speak with us over the phone or during your next visit regarding potential calming solutions for your little one, we have gathered the following details to offer you a bit more insight:
