Keeping Parents Smiling Throughout Fall!

More information about fall, you ask yourself? How could one season elicit so much information? Well, when you look at temps that are ready to dip after a long, hot summer in Dallas, TX, there’s a lot to consider. This is particularly true as our real fall often begins later than the very first day in terms of chilliness, which means once it really feels like autumn: The end of the year is even closer than you may realize! So, without further ado, let’s talk about some things that will definitely help keep you smiling, as you keep your kiddos’ oral health and general well being nice and safe!


Plan Out Your Halloween Night: It’s So Worth It! 

Yes, we know that before you had kids, you could just roll with Halloween night, as you took everything moment by moment! Head to a party? Leave for another? Stay out until 1am? No problem. However, you probably know very well by now that as a parent, a footloose and fancy free approach to things (particularly those that can interfere with usual sleep schedules and that include tons of sugar) aren’t always going to give you the relaxing results and happy faces you’re looking to achieve. So, our Dallas, TX team offers you some suggestions for planning your upcoming holiday that will ensure the easy oral health protection that’s been weighing on your mind!


3 Important Details About Digital X-Rays!

You know, after you’ve done even a tiny bit of investigative work, that when your child receives a preventive dental visit with us (including a dental checkup and dental cleaning), one aspect of care will include digital X-rays. This is just like what Mom and Dad receive during their smile care. With that said, however, you may not have ever given much thought to dental imaging in the past but now your child needs it and you have some questions for our Dallas, TX team! Of course, we welcome your inquiries and look forward to helping you feel confident about this and all aspects of dental care.


I Can’t Stop Worrying About My Child’s Smile! 

It’s completely understandable. You’ve watched your child grow and develop and you’ve been monitoring those lovely teeth since the very first one arrived! If you tend to be someone who is prone to worry, then worrying about your child’s smile is not out of the ordinary. However, it’s probably exhausting and you are likely well aware that the stress is not doing you any good. What you want is to feel you’re protecting your child’s oral health but while you get to do so with a relaxed, confident, if not enjoyable approach! Is there anything you can do, you wonder? Of course, our Dallas, TX team works with parents every day and we have some simple but very effective suggestions that should help.


Smile Protection: Things You Shouldn’t Encourage

Of course, there are the obvious things you should absolutely encourage in terms of your child’s smile health! Keeping a scheduled routine for dental hygiene is wonderful, encouraging kids to participate in selecting dental care products for themselves is a good thing, and promoting the decision to eat good-for-your-teeth snacks and meals is smart! With that said, there may be some little issues that can prove dangerous for your child’s oral health that are actually fairly easy to overlook! Our Dallas, TX team is here to make sure you know just what they are, so you can continue on with your solid approach to smile protection!


Gum Changes And Why You Should Never Ignore Them

Seeing a quick flash of your child’s smile and recognizing that something has changed with your kiddo’s gums can be a bit shocking. It can also leave you feeling unsure about how to proceed. Should you just monitor the situation, continuing with daily dental care, as you see whether things get better or stay the same (or worsen)? Or, is this one of those moments when you should call our Dallas, TX team to set up a dental checkup just to be on the safe side? Of course, we suggest the latter. Remember that any shift in the appearance of your child’s gums could mean a gum health issue and is always worth investigating. Come in for care soon!


We’re So Honored: The D Magazine 2019 Best Dentist Distinction! 

Did you know that each year, D Magazine announces Best Dentist distinctions in our Dallas, TX community? We are beyond pleased to announce that we have been selected as a best dentist for 2019 (an honor we are also very proud to have held for 2018 and 2017, as well!). Curious about how this works? Well, in short, approximately 3,000 dentists in our area are polled and recommend peers in their unique area of dental care. With that said, we are so appreciative of the other individuals in our community that practice dentistry, the individuals who have taken the time to recognize us, and of course, to our patients for becoming a part of our dental family! We appreciate your support!


Yes, We Care How Your Child’s Smile Looks! 

Of course, you know very well that our Dallas, TX team feels strongly about helping your child maintain a healthy smile! However, you may wonder: Do we care about the way your child’s smile looks or not? The answer is an easy one! We want your child to have the absolute best dental care experience possible, which means helping your child’s oral health remain a priority, as we also strive to ensure your kiddo’s smile remains vibrant and attractive. After all, a nice smile is a serious confidence builder and helps all patients feel good about the smile care effort they put forth! Consider the steps we take to protect not only the well being but also the brilliance of your child’s grin.


Pre-Planning For Autumn Smile Care 

It may feel like autumn is so very far away! After all, it’s still quite hot outside, so thinking about russet-hued leaves, pumpkin carving, and more simply seems like something that it’s far too early to begin considering. However, we remind you that fall of 2019 begins on September 23rd and August is nearly here. The first day of school? It’s nearly here, too! With that said, our Dallas, TX team wants to give you a gentle little nudge to give us a call to set up any autumn visits you need for your child, so you are ahead of the game with your continuing dental care!


Visualize Your Kids’ Adulthood Smiles: What Do You See?

When you visualize the smiles that you hope your children have in adulthood, what do they look like? What are your dreams for your kiddos? Our Dallas, TX team knows that it can be difficult to believe those little ones will eventually be all grown up. However, when you consider what you’d like to be true when that day comes, it helps you put all of the hard work you put into dental care right now into perspective, as you realize it is absolutely worth it for so very many reasons!
