How We Help Kids Avoid Cavities

dallas avoiding cavitiesCavities can impact children of all ages, including babies and toddlers, and older kids and teens. Which is why care to help strengthen the enamel and protect the smile are so important. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how we help children avoid cavities in-office and at home!

The Causes of Tooth Decay

Cavities form when the dentin, the sensitive structure that makes up the majority of your tooth, is exposed to harmful bacteria. The decay then begins and will spread through the tooth, eventually leading to infection and an increased risk of tooth loss unless treated. This exposure to bacteria occurs when the outer enamel is compromised, which can happen due to plaque buildup brought on by diets high in sugar and poor brushing and flossing habits. Injury to the tooth or teeth grinding could also be possible causes.

Warnings and Dangers to the Smile

If you bring your child in for checkups and cleanings every six months, then we can likely identify cavities in their earliest stages, often before discomfort occurs. Otherwise, you may not know your child needs treatment until he or she complains about a toothache. Remember, persistent pain could mean the decay has reached an advanced state, and the risk of infection is much higher. To avoid worsening pain, or even tooth loss, you need to bring your child in for a visit. Even if this happens in baby teeth, premature loss of these teeth could increase the risk of misalignment.


During your child’s checkup and cleaning visit, we can apply fluoride to the tooth in a varnish form. This mineral helps strengthen the outer enamel, including the weakened portions. The application only takes a few seconds and kids just need to avoid food and drink for about 30 minutes as it cures. We also recommend kids use a fluoride toothpaste when they brush to help protect their smiles. Kids three and under should use a rice-sized amount, and kids three and older need a pea-sized amount.

Dental Sealants

We can also protect smiles with dental sealants. These are an acrylic layer we add to the molars. These rear teeth are often difficult for kids to reach when they brush and floss, which means food and drink particles can remain trapped there for bacteria to break down. This in turn leads to a higher risk of cavities. The fluoride application process only takes a few seconds, and again kids need to avoid food and drink for about a half hour as it cures fully. These can stay in place for up to ten years and wear away gradually with time. We can always re-apply as needed!

Dental Cleanings

A routine dental cleaning is essential for avoiding cavities, as this removes the layers of plaque and tartar completely, which is something that brushing and flossing alone cannot do. The process is simple. Our team will use an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual pick to remove all plaque and tartar. Next, we polish the teeth for a brighter appearance and to limit the ability for plaque and tartar to adhere to the teeth.

At Home Hygiene Habits

You can also help your kids reduce their cavity risk from home. For example, make sure they brush their teeth for two minutes every morning with a fluoride toothpaste. You can assist your younger children and monitor your older ones. You could even use a fun song, app, or video to time them. They should do the same before they go to bed too. In the evening before they brush the second time, make sure they floss to remove what a toothbrush cannot reach. Kids may need a floss pick until their dexterity improves and they can use tape like you do.

Try to cut back on their consumption of sugar and starch too, as this can reduce the risk of cavities and help safeguard smiles. Even seemingly healthy drinks like fruit juice, energy drinks, and sport drinks contain lots of sugars and acids, so encourage them to enjoy more water. If you have any questions about how we fight tooth decay and protect smiles, or if you would like to schedule a visit for your child, then contact our team today to learn more.

Schedule a Visit for Cavity Prevention

If you have questions about keeping smiles free of tooth decay, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with our team, call your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, at (214) 321-4880.


filed under: Preventive Treatments