Do Your Kids Need Restorative Treatment?

Have your kids begun complaining of dental discomfort, particularly when they try to enjoy a bowl of soup, a cup of cocoa, or a bite of their favorite ice cream? If so, you might be tempted to overlook their complaints. After all, every parent knows that kids can be prone to complaining. However it is important to know that heightened or sudden sensitivity can often be a warning sign of enamel erosion. Over time, damage to the enamel can lead to outright discomfort, and cavities, which leave the interior of the tooth exposed to bacteria that could cause infections. Left untreated, cavities can eventually require the need for root canal treatment or infection. So, if your kids are giving you any indication that they could have an oral health problem, like a cavity, it is time to take them to see their pediatric dentist. That way they can enjoy comfort and confidence, once again, and you can rest assured that you are doing all you can to keep their smiles healthy and beautiful! (more…)

Encourage Good Dental Habits At Home

As a parent, there is a lot you must do to help ensure your kids grow up happy and healthy. Unfortunately, caring for the teeth and gums can sometimes seem at the bottom of that priority list. Over time, lax hygiene and poor dietary choices, plus skipping out on routine preventive dental visits, can lead to a great deal of dental problems. So, make sure you are encouraging good dental habits, at home, by exhibiting great oral care habits, yourself, and by making dental care a family priority! (more…)