Helping Kids Avoid The Terror Of Tooth Decay

dalllas halloween cavitiesThe arrival of October means that for kids, Halloween is around the corner, and with it, a major candy haul. While moderation is fine, too much sugar could mean the onset of painful cavities. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about how we protect children from tooth decay with pediatric dentistry.

Candy, Cavities, and Halloween

When we kids eat lots of sweets, particularly sticky ones that cling to the teeth, this leaves behind particles of sugar for harmful bacteria to consume. In the process, this elevates oral acidity and coats the teeth in plaque buildup. Over time, this could lead to cavities and even gingivitis! To help, you could offer to buy your children’s candy from them, or let them trade it in for a toy. If you are handing out treats, opt for sugar-free options, or even stickers or temporary tattoos! You can also limit how many pieces of candy they eat each day, and recommend this for just after dinner, when the increased saliva content can help rinse away the particles.

Preventive Treatments and Fillings

You should consider an appointment for your child! We can examine the teeth to assess the cavity risk, and also clean the teeth to remove plaque and tartar completely from the surfaces of the teeth. We also have unique preventive treatments to help lower the risk of tooth decay. We can apply fluoride to the teeth in a varnish form to strengthen the outer enamel and make cavities less likely. Our team could also apply dental sealants, a special acrylic coating, to the rear teeth. The molars are often hard for kids to reach when they brush and floss, and this coating prevents sugary particles from being caught between them. The application for both options takes seconds, and kids just need to avoid food and drink for about 30 minutes. With these sealants, they can stay in place for up to ten years, and we can re-apply fluoride every six months.

Brushing and Flossing

Our team also wants to make sure you are helping your children care for their smiles from home. Children should start and end their day by brushing for two minutes with a soft-bristled brush and a fluoride toothpaste. Children three and younger should use a rice sized amount, while kids over the age of three should use a pea sized blot. Before kids brush that second time, make sure they floss in between each and every tooth to remove trapped particles of sugar and starch.

Schedule a Visit for Your Child’s Preventive Appointment

If you have questions about how we clean little smiles or if you would like to schedule an appointment with our team, call your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, at (214) 321-4880.


filed under: Children's Dental Services