When Kids Need Their First Checkup Visit

dallas kids first visits

We recommend kids start oral healthcare early, and the first visit could occur sooner than you think! In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about what to expect from these visits, and how these preventive appointments can help safeguard smiles against common issues like tooth decay.

When Kids Need the Initial Exam

We recommend the first visit within six months of the first baby tooth erupting. This is a simple wellness visit, during which we will conduct a knee-to-knee lap exam. We want to make sure that teeth are eruption as they should, and watch for any possible signs of trouble. Following this first dental exam, we will recommend a checkup and cleaning every six months starting at around age two.

The Checkups That Follow

In the checkups that follow, our team will carefully examine the smile for signs of tooth decay, issues with teeth erupting, and other signs of poor oral health. The earlier we identify these issues, the sooner we can treat them, often before your little one experiences tooth sensitivity or toothaches. These visits are also a chance for our team to instill good oral health habits, talking to your children about healthy snacks and better brushing and flossing habits. We can help them understand the importance of caring for their smiles, and these visits can help reduce the risk of dental anxiety, and increase the likelihood of kids continuing care on their own in adulthood.

In the same visit, we will also thoroughly clean the teeth with an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool, which helps fight bad breath, teeth stains, cavities, and even gingivitis. We then polish the teeth for a brighter appearance, and to also make it more difficult for plaque and tartar to form in between these six-month visits.

Care at Home

Our team will also discuss better at-home care. Kids should brush in the morning and at night for two minutes with an age-appropriate soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Kids three and younger should use a rice sized amount of toothpaste, kids over the age of three need a pea sized blot. Children also need to floss once there are teeth sitting side-by-side, as this removes what a toothbrush alone cannot reach. If you have any questions about how we protect little smiles with a checkup and cleaning, or if you want to schedule your child’s first visit, then contact our team today to learn more.

Schedule a Visit for Your Child’s Dental Exam

If you have questions about how we safeguard smiles with checkups and cleanings, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with our team, call your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, at (214) 321-4880.


filed under: Family Dentistry