Placing Restorations To Protect Little Smiles

dallas kids restorationWhen a child chips or cracks a tooth, or has a toothache due to a cavity, then a restoration could be necessary! With a dental restoration, our team can repair and protect smiles from major complications, including tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist talks about our dental restorations.

When Kids Need Treatment

When should you bring your child in for a restoration placement? When they encounter dental emergencies, such as cracked, chipped, or broken teeth, we can repair the teeth to avoid the onset of cavities or infection. Likewise, if a cavity forms and causes a toothache, a restoration can bring relief and preserve the tooth. These can help stop discomfort and prevent complications in little smiles, such as infection and premature tooth loss.

Dental Fillings

When your child has an aching tooth and we discover a cavity, then we could offer relief in one visit with a dental filling. We don’t use metal to create these restorations, instead we use a metal-free composite resin that is safe for all ages. The material is biocompatible and can bond with the tooth for years to come. Remember, even baby teeth need treatment, as they could fall out naturally months or even years after a cavity forms, and ignoring it could lead to painful infection and premature tooth loss, a major factor in misalignment.

Treatment involves our team numbing their tooth and then removing decay from it. We then clean the tooth and apply the composite resin to the tooth, which can blend with the surrounding structure. Our team will sculpt and mold the tooth as the material cures beneath a light. The last step is to polish the tooth for a brighter appearance!

Dental Crowns

What if the damage or decay is too severe to be treated with a filling alone? Then we could offer a dental crown. The crown covers the tooth, capping it to address multiple restorative concerns. Our team will numb the tooth and then remove structure from it, making room for the crown. We then attach it with a powerful bonding agent, securing it for years to come. Our team could use stainless steel options for the side and rear teeth, which must endure greater bite forces. We also have NuSmile zirconia, which offer a more lifelike appearance and could be used for the more visible teeth.


What if a tooth is infected? We want to not only stop discomfort, but prevent the tooth from being lost, which could lead to misalignment and embarrassment for your little one. Instead of a traditional root canal, we offer a conservative option known as a pulpotomy. Essentially, our team will take digital x-rays of the smile to assess the position and severity of the infection. We then numb the tooth so your little one is comfortable as we conduct the procedure. If your child has anxiety or special needs, we can discuss sedation to help them enter a calm and relaxed state, with little memory of the procedure.

We then open the tooth to access and remove portions of the inner tissues. Our team will add a medicated filling material to the interior of the tooth. For some, this completes the procedures, while others need a crown placed to protect it.

Protecting Little Smiles

To help reduce the risk of injuries to little smiles, be sure your child wears a mouthguard when playing sports. Our team can help create a custom option that provides a greater level of protection than standard boil-and-bite options. Good oral hygiene, such as daily brushing and flossing and a diet low in sugar and starch, can keep the enamel strong and reduce the risk of injuries to the smile. If you have any questions about our restorations and how we treat and repair little smiles, then contact our team today.

If your child has a toothache or just needs a routine checkup and cleaning, now is a great time to schedule one. Your child can undergo care without missing classes or falling behind, so see us soon before summer break comes to an end!

Do You Have Questions About Repairing Little Smiles?

Our team wants to help treat cavities and infections, and even repair damaged teeth too. To learn more about how our team protects little smiles with a dental restoration, then please contact your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, by calling (214) 321-4880. We want to keep little smiles in our community healthy and strong, and shining too!


filed under: Restorations for Kids