Could A Crown Restore A Child’s Oral Health?

dallas kids dental crowns

We recently looked at dental fillings, and explained how our tooth-colored fillings could treat cavities in little smiles. But what if your child has more severe oral health issues, or difficulties with speech and chewing? To restore function and health, your Dallas, TX, pediatric dentist could offer a dental crown.

When Kids Need a Dental Crown

A dental crown is a restoration that covers the entire visible portion of the tooth, covering the complete structure above the gum line. Which means they can address minor and severe oral health concerns in children. For example, when a cavity is too advanced to be stopped with a filling, a crown could help. If a tooth is infected, we might perform a pulpotomy and then cap the tooth with a crown. Placement could help correct misshapen teeth, improve bite balance, and even help improve how well your child talks or chews.

Zirconia and Stainless Steel

To place one, we administer a local anesthetic and may recommend dental sedation to help your little one remain calm and relaxed during the procedure. Structure is removed from the tooth to make room for the restoration, and then we attach it with a powerful bonding agent. We could use a stainless option or the rear teeth, as they must endure greater bite forces and pressure. For a more lifelike option, we could also opt for zirconia, which can be color-matched to blend with the smile. Following treatment, we want your child to be able to smile with confidence, avoid worsening discomfort or oral health complications, and eat and speak without difficulty.

Keeping Little Smiles Healthy

Often, the issues that a restoration will address can be prevented with good oral hygiene habits. Likewise, these actions also help protect the restoration and allow it to remain in place for many years to come. Children benefit from brushing their teeth twice a day with a small amount of fluoride toothpaste. Flossing every evening is recommended too. You should limit how much sugary foods and drinks they have, and also bring them in for a checkup and cleaning every six months. A checkup lets us monitor the smile as it grows and changes, so we can diagnose possible problems early, and address them quickly. The cleaning lets us remove harmful plaque to help prevent cavities, gingivitis, and other concerns.

If you have any questions about how we address your child’s oral health concerns with a dental crown, then contact our team today.

Talk to Your Dallas, TX Dentist’s Office About Dental Restorations

We would like to help kids of all ages in our community maintain a strong and healthy smile. To schedule an appointment for your little one, contact your Dallas, TX pediatric dentist, Dr. Marr, by calling (214) 321-4880.


filed under: Restorations for Kids