When to Consider Extracting Your Child’s Tooth
One of the most important goals in your child’s continued dental health care is to help them preserve their healthy, natural teeth without any, or with minimal, complications. This is especially important during the early years of your child’s oral health development, before their permanent teeth have developed and their oral structures have stopped growing. However, in some instances, promoting healthy growth and development of your child’s teeth and oral structures might require extracting one of your child’s teeth in order to avoid even more concerns with their smiles.
How badly is the tooth damaged?
A worn-down, fractured, or broken tooth can be painful for your child, which is often biggest warning that the tooth is damaged. The more severe the damage is to your child’s tooth, the more painful it can be. However, discomfort isn’t the only problem. Depending on the nature of the tooth’s damage, it might also interfere with your child’s overall bite function, as well as increase their risks of developing problems with one or more other teeth. When a fracture or break is severe enough that the tooth can’t be successfully restored, then extracting it might be a better idea in order to help preserve the rest of your child’s smile.
How much of the tooth has decayed?
A damaged tooth is a common reason for your child to develop a toothache, but a more frequent cause of the discomfort is the development of tooth decay. This is usually first noticed as a cavity forms in your child’s tooth, which makes the tooth increasingly more sensitive. If the cavity is treated soon after it develops, then the tooth may be easily saved with a biocompatible tooth filling. However, if your child’s case of tooth decay is extreme and has affected most or all of its structure, then it may be time to extract the tooth to prevent it from negatively impacting the rest of your child’s oral health.
Is a primary tooth overstaying its welcome?
Your child’s primary teeth are meant to fall out on their own when they’re ready, and their roles in preparing your child’s smile for the future are essential. However, in some rare cases, a primary tooth may not leave its place when it’s supposed to. The tooth’s refusal to fall out, and its continued presence, can lead to complications with the development of your child’s permanent tooth. To avoid them, it may be necessary to extract the primary tooth.
Learn if your child needs tooth extraction
Under certain severe conditions, tooth extraction might be a necessary measure to preserve your child’s healthy smile. To learn more, schedule an appointment by calling Pediatric Dental Care at Casa Linda in Dallas, TX today at 214-321-4880. We proudly serve patients who live around Casa Linda and all surrounding Dallas communities.
filed under: Dental Emergencies